Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Books I Feel As Though Everyone Has Read But Me

Top Ten Books I Feel As Though Everyone Has Read But Me!

All books are from the 1001 Children's Books

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm is kind of creepy now. Wizard of Earthsea is pretty good for high fantasy. Judy Blume... how did you miss that? Still, some of these you have to read when you are younger, like Catcher in the Rye. They just don't work past a certain age.

  2. I saw Swiss Family Robinson book yesterday at the book thrift shop and so were several of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books I was torn to by them all but I've bought more than a handful of books already. :d I don't recall if I've read Tower Treasure though. :D Enjoy

  3. I haven't read any of these books, but I have watched the Swiss Family Robinson movie and loved it. I remember when I first got it on VHS and I would watch it over, and over, and over again. Ha!

    The Hardy Boys books makes me think about my Nancy Drew days. *sigh*

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Well, I haven't read ANY of these *shame* and the worst thing is that I don't thin I'll ever do it! This is bad. Anyway, great post! Thanks for stopping by on my blog, next I'm signing up for the amazing giveaway!

  5. You have some of my favorite books on that list. I must have read Swiss Family Robinson half a dozen times when I was a kid. And you really should read the Le Guin. It's a wonderful book.

  6. OOhh.. I'd love to read most of the books on your list although I confess to never hearing of "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret". I've only read Robinson Crusoe and Swiss Family Robinson from your list.

  7. I like how you posted all the old covers! They're so lovely. I haven't read 20,000 Leagues or Wizard of Earthsea either.

  8. Oh great idea for a post. I've only read 4 of those- Swiss Family Robinson (as a child, but I think it was favourite, I remember reading it multiple times), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Borrowers and The Hardy Boys- I read all of those as a kid. And just think next month you should have read it too!

  9. Aw I Love the old school vintage theme you went for!

  10. I think the only book on your list that I have read is Are You There God? And I'm not sure if I read that particular Hardy Boys book, but I read a lot of those when I was in my Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys phase.

  11. That Ursula LeGuin book looks good!

  12. And actually I've been thinking about Robinson Crusoe whilst reading The Black Stallion. Funny how every stranded on a desert island book makes you think of that one- even if you haven't read it! Maybe 2012 is the year?

  13. I recently tried to pick up 20,000 but didn't finish it all (which is VERY rare for me), it just is TOO descriptive, it makes it boring.
    Charlie is one of my Favorites though :)

  14. Are You There God, It's Me Margaret is one of my favorite YA books ever. As a kid, I thought it was such a grown up book. I am pretty sure I bought it for my stepdaughter, but I should make sure because if not, I will definitely do so!

  15. I haven't read any of those. I really missed the whole Judy Blume things as a YA.

    Top 10 http://t.co/NPJUk2vl

  16. I hope you do get to read 20,00 Leagues Under the Sea, Robinson Crusoe and Lassie Come Home, I loved those. I would also like to read A Wizard of Earthsea and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

  17. If you have young ladies in your life...you have to read 'Are you there, God, it's me, Margaret'! It's a great story!

    Hopping by... Here's my answer

  18. Thanks for stopping by, and I love the vintage theme. Not sure if you've read it, but one of the true oldies I reread recently was Daddy Longlegs, and I still enjoyed it. I'd love to see what I make of Anne of Green Gable now.

    Happy reading :)

  19. THe only one I've read is LASSIE COME HOME, which I loved to pieces. It made me cry, but that comes with the territory. :)

  20. I tried to read 20,000 when I was younger, but couldn't get into it. Maybe due to my age at the time. I plan on picking it up again soon though!

    Books of Amber

  21. This IS a great list! So many of my childhood faves and a few a really need to read.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  22. I haven't read any of these either. I'd like to read a few of them and they're on my TBR list. It's just a matter of getting to them.

  23. Lucky you that you get to experience some of these through this project. In particular I'm thinking of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Are You There God is great too, but I'm not sure it will have the same effect as an adult as it does on teen girls, for so many of whom it was a pivotal sort of book.

    Come check out my list at The Scarlet Letter.

  24. Great list, I loved Judy Blume as a pre-teen. Are You There God was a must read amongst my friends and I. I've read several others on your list too, but Judy Blume is my favorite.

  25. The only one I've read out of this is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...great list! :D

  26. I haven't read any of these books. Oh, the shame! ha! ha!
    Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by. ^_^

  27. I've read six of these. If you're going to read them I'd suggest starting with Le Guin!

  28. I've never read any of those either. Not interested in most of them. Some of them seem very dated for putting in kid's hands these days.


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