Sunday, September 11, 2011

Slogging Through with a Behemoth Cold

I was hoping this would be the day I'd make it without Mucinex and Tylenol, but, alas, it appears that it is not to be.

You've been there: coughing, sneezing, coughing some more, runny nose, more coughing, sore throat, stuffy head, and always, always, the incessant coughing. Push the dial to its highest setting, and then place me in my school library for the first week of checking out books to five and six and seven-year-olds. Eight classes a day. Parents thronging the library before school and during lunch and after school to check out books for their kids.

Do you see me there, trying to read stories and help children find books, simultaneously attempting to wipe my drippy nose? A Wonderful Week, yes. But a Bit Tricky with a Behemoth Cold.

It serves me right. I've been bragging again about How I Never Get Sick.

Okay. Enough whining.

It's my Un-birthday month. In the mail this week, I got nine Un-birthday books! (That's worthy of an exclamation point.) And lovely Un-birthday cards. And little Un-birthday notebooks and Un-birthday pens. I've discovered that the sighting of an Amazon swoosh box on my front porch significantly soothes coughing.

Look at the books I finished while I was sick:

A moment from this week:  I'm sneezing, coughing, and reading a story aloud. I've missed lunch because of the sweep of parents arriving during that time, and I didn't get a chance to take my next dose of meds. I'm about to make a Grand Sneeze ("Uh...uh...uh...uh....") and a little girl stands up in the middle of the Story Circle, runs over to the checkout desk, and grabs a Kleenex for me. Just in time.

Thank you, Mariana.

How about you? Did you have a good week? Any others out there fighting behemoth colds? Anyone finish any great books? 


  1. I have the low level scratchy throat/slight cough that teachers often get and hang on to for months at a time.

    Here's hoping you feel much better very soon.

  2. Oh, I don't even want to think about the symptoms lest they descend....sigh.

    I take a lot of Airborne...and those who laugh at this must simply try it.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Here's my week at MY SUNDAY SALON POST and

  3. Yes, I know well of what you speak, James. The bit of a scratch in the throat...the bit of a cough...that's my usual state. Is it something that lives in the walls of our schools? I don't know.

  4. How right you are to fear to even speak the Name of the Cold, Laurel-Rain. Further, I encourage you to never brag in a crowd about your Good Health.

    Airborne...Airborne...Airborne...Yes, all have told me of this healing substance, but too late I'm afraid. I think I will stock up in case of Future Behemoth Colds.

  5. My week was kinda ho-hum. I had difficulties getting to sleep for most of the week, mostly due to the fact that I was drinking quite a bit of tea in the evening, which had lots of caffeine. Also I tend to be somebody that likes to go immediately to sleep rather than waiting around to get to sleep.

  6. I upped my intake of Vitamin C and am trying to get at least 7 hours sleep a night. Helps me to fight off all those nasty germs:) Some of my colleagues swear by Airborne or Emergen C.

  7. I've just returned from Walgreen's where I broke down and bought a box of Airborne. I will put it to the test.

  8. Oh no, I hope you're back to normal in no time.

  9. I hope you feel better. I am the same in that I NEVER get sick and this year it hit me on day 2 (as you say, right after I distributed textbooks to 1800 students)!

  10. The girl who gave you the tissue is one sweet little thing.

  11. Thanks for dropping by even though you had a bummer posting on my site for some reason. Sorry to hear about your cold. It sounds miserable. Why were parents dropping by? I live in a secondary world where we rarely see parents. I spent my week checking out textbooks. Ugh. But a few kids came in for the latest books and said hi! 2011-12 school year under way.

  12. I hope you get better soon. The allergies have been pestering me a bit too-just when I started bragging that I'm not allergic :)
    Mariana is a wonderful little creature!

  13. I had a horrible cold a few weeks back. Now my son and Hub are sick, and they are the worst!! What is it with men. Take some meds and go to bed already. Haha.

    Hope you feel better soon. Us women are never able to rest when we're sick.

  14. Sorry to hear that you've been so sick Debbie. One predictable event for the start of the school year and the return of all the disease vectors, sorry children, to school I suppose. Glad that you had such great books to read. I am very taken with your review of The School for Cats. It sounds great.

  15. Sorry you've had a nasty cold! I've been ok for the last couple of months after a really nasty run with the immune system being completely useless at its job earlier in the year. Hope you feel better soon and bless that little girl grabbing you some tissue just in the nick of time. What a cutie :)

  16. Wow, I like the cover for The Balloon Cat. Budgets at our library have been tight, so I'm starting to feel a bit behind on the picture book front.
    Great selection you have there.

    Hope you feel better soon!


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