Sadly, this is the end of our Armchair BEA adventure. I hope that you have enjoyed your time at Armchair BEA as much as I have. I hope you've befriended me and I've befriended you. I hope you have discovered some new reads and that I've discovered some new reads. I hope I've signed up for your giveaways and you have signed up for mine. And I hope that I see you again down the road soon. So happy to have met you this week!
I've never made it to BEA, but I've been to TLA and ALA and IRA and my number one goal there is to bring home books.
What do you think? Do I have a few books to giveaway or what?!
I picked five that I've read and enjoyed a lot for the Armchair BEA Giveaway from these huge stacks. If you'd like to win one of these and/or a $10 Amazon or Book Depository gc, simply leave a comment with the name(s) of the book(s) you'd like to win and your e-mail address (posted in an elusive way to thwart the wicked). The giveaway will be open through the end of May. Which sound good to you?
I never meant to be a blogger; I started blogging for a summer inservice and I was hooked.
I just can't seem to stop writing and blogging.
What do I want to do next in blog-gification? More photos on my blog. More watercolors on my blog. Maybe a new watercolor header? More reviews of travel narratives. A weekly meme about Great Books Nobody Knows About? More great children's picture books. More cookbooks, especially bread baking cookbooks. A feature called Tiny Book Reviews?
And who knows what else....
Something happens to me when I meet authors. I want to take authors home to meet my parents. I want to give authors the other half of a heart necklace and put on my half. I want to befriend them on Facebook (okay, I really do this.) Something happens to me when I meet authors.
Here are some of my favorite Meet-the-Author moments:
And still more:
Texas Book Festivals:
Texas Library Association Conferences:
International Reading Association Conferences:
2008 in Chicago
2007 in Toronto
2006 in San Antonio
Inprint Author Readings:
Authors That Came to My School/Town/Nearby:
Jon Klassen (My school)
Darien Gee (Skyped)
John Rocco (Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston)
All the authors I've met are here on my Pinterest board.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?
Let me introduce myself.
Bonjour! Enchanté! Bienvenidos!
I am Deb Nance at Readerbuzz.
I love to read good books. Any genre. Any length. Good books.
I especially love children's books,
travel memoirs,
literary fiction,
creative nonfiction,
and books about happiness.
I've been blogging almost six years from the little town of Alvin, Texas,
just outside of Houston.
I've been blogging almost six years from the little town of Alvin, Texas,
just outside of Houston.
List your social details -- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. -- so we can connect more online.
What does your favorite reading space look like?
My delightful Meditation Room? ¡Sí!
Candle? ¡Sí!
Relaxation fountain? ¡Sí!
Reading music? ¡Sí!
Coffee? ¡Sí!
Snacks? ¡Sí!
How about you? ¿Esta lista? Ready?
What are we waiting for? ¡Vamos! Let's go!
Or is it?
Of course, being a blogger-in-the-know, I've heard about Armchair BEA. I've even signed up for it a few times. Actual participation? A Google search of my blog didn't turn up more than a terse sentence or two about the upcoming event.
This year I have the chance to change that. I signed up to be...wait for it...a BEA cheerleader. Yes, a BEA cheerleader. This, I think, will force me to get out of my armchair and climb into my Armchair and take on the whole world of Armchair BEA.
Can't wait!
Here's the BEA Agenda for the week.
Here's the Instagram Challenge.
How about Twitter Parties?!
How about you? Are you coming? Hope to see you there!