Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Books I Planned to Read Won't Be Reading Over Spring Break

I'd planned to spend spring break reading from my 1001 Children's Books You Must Read list. I oh-so-carefully ordered a whole slew of them from an Amazon-affiliated dealer located in the UK a month ago, and I've been eagerly awaiting them ever since.

They still haven't arrived.

Perhaps these are being delivered by hand from England?

I suppose that's what I get for ordering books that cost 1 penny plus $3.99 postage.

It puts a crimp into my plans. Sigh.

So here's my modified list of books I plan to read over spring break:

Fungus the Bogeyman by Raymond Briggs

Mind Your Own Business by Michael Rosen

Please Mrs. Butler by Allan Alhberg

Bilgewater by Jane Gardam

Worzel Gummidge by Barbara Todd

Family from One End Street by Eva Garnett

Tolkien's Gown and Other Stories of Great Authors and Rare Books


To sum up:



UPDATE:  Well, look what finally arrived! Have to admit that what the UK postal service lacks in speed they make up for in presentation. Royal Mail, indeed!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. Oh no! Sorry they haven't arrived. They might still arrive in time? Is Spring Break this week? I certainly hope Bilgewater arrives for you soon. I haven't started it yet, and won't get to it till next week- I've got a writers festival this week and am reading a book for that this week.

  2. Yes, I just need to get past this and find something else to read.

  3. I'm chuckling while still sympathizing. It does take a while doesn't it for those books to arrive from far, far away - almost like another universe. LOL

    Loved your take on this week's topic. Don't lose heart - when have any of us found it hard to find reading alternatives? :-)

    Have a good spring break.

    1. I need to get busy. I should look on this as a good opportunity to visit a bookstore today.

    2. You haven't got anything in the house you haven't read???

    3. Nothing that I'm eager to read. Crazy, I know.

  4. Sorry to hear your books haven't arrived! :( I hope it comes too, they look great.

    My TTT

  5. Love your list! I hate that your books still haven't arrived! What a let down! Middlemarch is on my TBR list too; I hope you enjoy it! :)

  6. Love your take on the list, sorry to hear they haven't arrived but have a nice break.

  7. Awww. I hoe your books arrive soon!

  8. How frustrating! I hope they arrive soon as it looks like you have some fantastic choices. Middlemarch should take a big chunk of reading time though! I've only read The Mill on the Floss by Eliot but have always meant to go back and read this one.

  9. Sorry that you didn't get the books you wanted yet. Maybe they will still make it in time to read one or two. Thanks for visiting Ficwishes earlier.

  10. How annoying! Hopefully your books will arrive soon so your spring break reading plans won't have to completely fall by the wayside. I hope you enjoy Middlemarch.

  11. Sorry that you won't have the chance to read the books you'd planned for, but at least Middlemarch will keep you busy.

    Also looks like you're reading the new Ishiguro book. My review for that should be coming up next week if I can get my act
    together to write it. I look forward to your thoughts on it!

  12. Oh, no. It really sucks when books don't arrive in time. Or you know, right away. I do hope you'll love them when they arrive. Great list, and thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  13. Oh, Deb, that's horrible! I have to be honest, I must say your post really made me laugh, but I completely understand how frustrating it is to not be able to read what you planned on reading! However, I've heard lots of good things about 'Middlemarch', so I look forward to hearing what you think of it! :)

  14. I have the same problem when I order rings online that cost like $4. They take a month+ to get to me. (But I'll totally take that over paying $30 for rings I like.) Hope they mange to get to you soon!

  15. Well the good thing about the o/s postage problem is that you will now have lots of uninterrupted time to read Middlemarch :-)
    You'll love it !

  16. Sorry to hear your books haven't arrived!! They do sound like interesting reads though... I am now curious about Fungus the Bogeyman by Raymond Briggs!! Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/03/top-ten-books-on-my-spring-tbr-list.html

  17. Oooo I'm now curious about Middlemarch. These sound really great, hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by earlier!
    Erica @ Read It. Note It.

  18. Middlemarch is wonderful, and I imagine would be more than enough for anyone's spring break! Sorry your other books didn't come in.

  19. Middlemarch will be fine! I like George Eliot. And an introduction by Margaret Drabble is nice, too

  20. Among ypur favourite books you mention The good earth. Do you mean the one by Pearl Buck?

  21. I always hate waiting for books to arrive when I'm dying to read them. Glad yours finally showed up!


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