Tuesday, April 21, 2015

All-Time Favorite Authors

Ten all-time favorite authors? I just couldn't stop at ten. Here are some of my favorites:

Anne Lamott
Anne Tyler
Dr. Seuss 
Maira Kalman
Kate DiCamillo
Bill Bryson
Billy Collins
Beverly Cleary
Roald Dahl
Anne Fadiman
Brian Floca
Malcolm Gladwell
Kevin Henkes
Tony Horwitz
Bill Martin Jr.
Kathleen Krull
Erik Larson
Katherine Center
Haruki Murakami
Richard Powers
Terry Pratchett
Anna Quindlen
Marilynne Robinson
Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Cynthia Rylant
Carol Shields
Wallace Stegner
William Steig
Mo Willems
Don and Audrey Wood
Ernest Hemingway
Robert Pirsig
Ray Bradbury

Any of these authors on your list? 

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. I don't have any of your authors on my list this week, but I'm thinking I really should have included Roald Dahl too!x
    my TTT

    1. Yes, and I was late to the Dahl train. What a great author. Wish I'd had his books when I was a girl.

  2. Roald Dahl is definitely one of my childhood favourites - I've reread some of his books far too many times. I almost out Terry Pratchett on my list too, but I think I need to read a few more of his books before putting him in the top ten.

    1. It's crazy, but I've actually only read a half dozen of Terry Pratchett's books. Nevertheless, they wowed me. And, still, I carefully space them out. Too many Oreos at one sitting, or something.

  3. Oh wow! You went all out! LOL! Don't know all of these but see a familiar name or two! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Did I go all out or did I go wild? Probably I went wild.

  4. What an impressive list! The Mo Willems inclusion made me smile. We're obsessed with him here right now and I have a copy of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus right next to me.

  5. Haha, glad to know I wasn't the only one who didn't stop at 10 this week! Great list :)

    My TTT

  6. It is impossible to stop at ten! Impressive list!

  7. You have such a good list here and not limited to 10 I see. LOL

    Dr. Seuss would be on mine as well. And I love Anna Quindlen and others as well, but those two. Lovely.

  8. Ha ha, such a rule-breaker! Stopping at 10 was very hard. I see a bunch here that I really love, and kudos for including Dr. Seuss! Nicely done.

  9. I love the photo montage of authors! Nice mix too, I see some I know. I included Beverly Cleary on my list as well, she's my childhood books.

  10. If my list wasn't YA authors only, a few of these would have been on it. I love Ray Bradbury. Thanks for stopping by Michelle's Minions!

  11. If my list wasn't YA authors only, a few of these would have been on it. I love Ray Bradbury. Thanks for stopping by Michelle's Minions!

  12. Dr. Suess! Ronald Dahl! BEVERLY CLEARLY (I need to reread some her hers immediately now)! You hit on some authors I didn't even think about, but who should absolutely be on my list.

    Cam @ cammminbookland

  13. It's lovely to see Roald Dahl on someone else's list, too, and I love that you've included Dr. Seuss - you just can't go wrong with the greats! ;)

  14. So many good ones! Roald Dahl is tough to beat and so is Hemingway.

  15. So many great authors on here. Hemingway and Bradbury are some of my favorites.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. No holding back this week, nice! Ray Bradbury is awesome. I love Fahrenheit 451.

  17. Cleary, Dahl, and Seuss could of made it to my list.;) I loved Matilda as a kid!

  18. I love that Dr. Seuss is on your list; his legacy will never die nor will what he brings as a message to all in his books. Confession: Ernest Hemmingway intimidates me...a lot! Kudos to you for tackling his work.

  19. I haven't heard of a lot of these authors, so this was definitely a learning experience for me! Ray Bradbury, however, is wonderful. I've been meaning to read more of his works.

  20. I focused mostly on YA authors this week so I don't have any of your authors on my list. Thanks for sharing!
    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie

  21. Wow, that's an impressively long list of favorites!! I found it difficult to keep my favorite authors list to ten names as well.

    Here's my TTT post for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/04/top-ten-all-time-favorite-authors.html

  22. I haven't read any of these, so I feel like I might've to check some of them out. :) Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  23. Oh my gosh, I'm not familiar with any of these novels (besides Dr. Suess of course)! I'll have to check them out soon :D Great list, Deb and thanks for stopping by my blog <3

  24. I love that you couldn't stop at ten! Why didn't I think of that? I'm so obedient (some of the time). But, I love your list, and I love that you included Haruki Murakami along with some of the great children's authors. Who really write for us all.

  25. Roald Dahl made my list as well. Here is my full TTT:


    I've heard of quite a few of the authors on your list (some I haven't) but Dahl is the only author I've read from it.

  26. Deb, you've got some of my favorites here, too, only J. K. Rowling tops mine :D

  27. Deb, you've got some of my favorites here, too, only J. K. Rowling tops mine :D

  28. Deb, you've got some of my favorites here, too, only J. K. Rowling tops mine :D

  29. Oh my you've got a long list there ! :D I haven't read most of the authors on your list, but I really want to read a Murakami book soon :)


I love to hear your thoughts.