Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top Ten Book Resolutions for 2016

Here they are...my Top Ten Book Resolutions for 2016:

1. Reading Mrs. Mike last year reminded me of the power of a backlist of old, wonderful books. Sure, there are great new books. But let's not allow the new to shove the old offstage. So, my first book resolution for 2016 is, in the words of our (old) Brownie song: "Make new friends, but keep the old...."

2. In that same vein...Reread. 

3. Similarly...when necessary, speed read. Some books you have-to read (for-review, books from your Great-Aunt Martha) but you don't have to linger over them.

4. And...this happens more often than non-readers think...don't be afraid to cast books aside.

5. Make a list of books to read this year. (See It's a Brand New Year! for my list.)

6. But feel free to set the list aside.

7. Live with the good books. Write down favorite parts. Talk about them with others. Reread the best lines. Blog about them. Buy a to-keep copy of them.



10. This will make you gasp aloud: Do non-book-ish things, too. Reminder to self: The non-book-ish things enrich your book life. So do some non-book-ish things now and then.

*To be added as the year progresses...

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. I love your list! I often feel like I don't have time to reread books I love because of reviewing commitments. This year I resolved to cut back on my books for review so now maybe I'll be able to reread The Lord of the Rings again :)

    1. I feel the same way. But I am always happy when I reread a good book, and I almost never do that. I really want to try.

  2. Re-read is definitely on my list this week/resolution for this year! It's always nice to revisit favourite titles (or check out titles that I didn't quite understand/appreciate the first time around).

    Great list! My TTT

    1. Yes, fingers crossed that I do more rereading this year.

  3. Great list - I like how it's a 'working list' with more to be added, as opposed to plucking 10 things just for the sake of it.

    Abandoning books I'm not enjoying is something I focused a lot on last year, and I think I'm at a good point with casting books aside now.

    Good luck with your goals!

    Reading With Jade

    1. I imagine I'll probably come up with one or two more a little down the road.

  4. Awesome list! I need to work on re-reading too...there are wonderful books I want to experience again, but I just can't seem to pick them up!

  5. Not doing bookish things is a good goal! It's so easy to get lost in the wonderful world of books that it's hard to remember there's other stuff out there. I want to reread more this year as well. There are so many old favorites that I dearly miss. Good luck with your goals!

  6. Really wonderful list! I like the speed reading one and non bookish things. Good luck!!

    1. Some books are destined to be speed-read, I think. If only they'd had a better editor....

  7. I really like the reread. I by my favorites in hardback so I can reread them someday, but it rarely happens. I typically just sit there looking at my pretty bookshelf, wishing I had time to reread a couple of the books.

    Here are my resolutions

    1. Joining a book club has caused me to reread a couple, and each time it has been a wonderful experience.

  8. Great list of goals. 're reads is my favourite things to do. I definitely want to read more older books I own. Good luck.

    Megan @ http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.co.uk

  9. Your list could have been made for me - except for "reread". I'd love to, but I stress that I'll never get to the unread ones that I want to read, too! :-(

  10. Love your list, my fear of re-reading some books is that I' might no longer love them as much as I did the first time I read them. Good luck on with all your resolutions.

    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie

  11. The best goals here. Truly. Love the first one and the second.

    1. It's so hard for me to decide to skip the Next New Book and reread a favorite. I hope I can do that more this year.

  12. I love re-reading, and have started doing a lot of this via audiobooks. Mrs. Mike is one that I'm planning to revisit this year! I have memories of being so strongly moved by it way back when. I'm curious to see if I still feel that way reading it as an adult. Happy New Year!

    Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies

  13. I like the non-bookish resolution! I couldn't agree more. When I was reading my most I wouldn't leave the house for days LOL! Awesome set of resolutions :)

    Meghann @Becoming Books

  14. Good luck on completing all your 2016 goals!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/top-ten-tuesday-38/

  15. Speed reading is a must in my world of bookish goals. In that same line of thinking, this would hopefully carry over into me upping my monthly number of reads. This would be very helpful and hopefully get myself through this next block of review books a bit faster. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon, Deb. Good luck with your 2016 goals! :)

  16. Yes I like your #1 resolution, reading backlist books. I need to do a lot of that. My TBR shelf is too large. Backlist books are good too


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