Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2015, But Didn't

Book:  H is for Hawk
Why I wanted to read it:  On many must-read lists
Why I didn't read it: Had to return it to the library before I got to it
Plan for 2016: I've put it on hold again and hope to read it this year

Book:  The Eight
Why I wanted to read it:  I've had it in my TBR for more than ten years
Why I didn't read it: Never got around to it
Plan for 2016: I've started it, like it so far, and hope to finish it this year

Book:  Any Human Heart
Why I wanted to read it:  I got a copy as a gift
Why I didn't read it: Never got around to it
Plan for 2016: It's at the top of my TBR for 2016

Book:  The Razor's Edge
Why I wanted to read it:  I'm intrigued by the plot
Why I didn't read it: Never got around to it
Plan for 2016: I've put it at the top of my TBR for 2016

Book:  Appointment in Samarra
Why I wanted to read it:  I've had this book in my TBR for ten years or more
Why I didn't read it: I read the first chapter and set it down and never picked it back up
Plan for 2016: Good grief. This book is tiny. I must read it this year.

Book:  Beloved
Why I wanted to read it:  So many of my favorite bloggers love this book
Why I didn't read it: I'm worried that it is too difficult a read for me.
Plan for 2016: If I could read this with a group, I think I might finish it.

Book:  A View of the Harbour
Why I wanted to read it: The author is highly regarded, and I've never read much of hers.
Why I didn't read it: Never got around to it
Plan for 2016: I might try it this year.

Book:  The FSG Book of Twentieth-Century Latin American Poetry
Why I wanted to read it:  Poems in Spanish with translations in English
Why I didn't read it: It is 728 pages
Plan for 2016: I'll continue to read a few poems every month.

Book:  Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
Why I wanted to read it:  Recommended as a happiness-enhancing story
Why I didn't read it: Though I've had it on my wish list for three years, no one has given me a copy.
Plan for 2016: Hope that someone will gift me with this book

Book:  The Glass Bead Game
Why I wanted to read it:  I read it in a philosophy class I took in high school
Why I didn't read it: There's no nice way to say this...it bored me silly
Plan for 2016: I gave away my copy and never want to try to read it again

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. Those are all new to me ones! Hope you get to read them all this year!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Very nice books. I hope you eventually get to them .... don't stress, enjoy!

  3. I was excited when you had H for Hawk at the top, so often I've never heard of any of the books in your lists, and here I was knowing the first one... but you guessed it- it was the one and only one that I knew - and no I didn't get to it in 2015 either. Good luck with your reads. I do know what it's like. Way too many books, and way too little time.

  4. Lovely list! I added a collection of M. Somerset Maugham's short stories to my many shelves of tbr books during the last library sale. I have yet to read anything by him, but I saw a wonderful interview with him on TCM a few years ago (since they made several of his stories into movies) and have wanted to read him ever since. ;)

    1. I will have to see if I can find the interview with him. Interesting!

  5. I love that you put why you wanted to read it on your list! I'm curious about H is for Hawk. My library has it on audio so I may go that route. Nonfiction tends to work pretty well on audio for me.

    1. Yes, nonfiction on audio works better for me than fiction on audio.

  6. It makes me feel better that you have so many that have been on your list for years. "Night" is that book for me--I even read a good chunk of it this year, but never picked it back up to keep going.

    1. Yes, it seems silly to have the same books on your list for year. Maybe I'm making a dent in the list...but I'm not sure.

  7. I've meant to read The Eight for years and years. It's recently been re-released by Open Road (I love them for bringing back so many wonderful older books). So, what I'm saying is that The Eight is still on my TBR. :-)

    1. How long have I had The Eight in my TBR? A long time. I know that.

  8. If I wrote up a post on all the books I meant to get to in 2015, my list would be ten times longer than yours!

    1. If I wrote a post about all the books I meant to get to in my life...well, it would be ridiculous.

  9. It was so hard for me to stop at ten. Hope you get to the one's that you've been wanting to. Happy reading. My TTT

  10. I wanted to get to H is for Hawk too, but never did. I must correct that this year.

    Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town is a wonderful book. I love Leacock and have his biography on my 2016 reading list. I did a post on him a couple of years ago. http://www.exurbanis.com/archives/6196 Here's hoping you get a copy this year and that you enjoy it!

    1. I'm so happy to hear your thoughts about Sunshine Sketches. I hope someone gets me a copy of this book this year!

  11. I wanted to read H is for Hawk as well (although I somehow managed to refrain from purchasing it) - just another one that'll have to wait I guess!

  12. It's great that you've made plans for each of the books, even if that plan is never reading it again like that last one, haha! I've also had plenty of books that I wanted to read but have had to return to the library before I got a chance to actually read them.

  13. All of your books are new to me except for H is for Hawk. Enjoy your books!

  14. Great list!
    So many different kinds of books. Beloved is really great, you should read it :) Not that you need anymore people telling you that. But it really is as fantastic and actually not a book that takes a huge amount of time to read -which surprised me a bit at how fast i got through it.

  15. A lot of these are new to me books, with the exception of a couple. I hate when I borrow a book from the library and don't finish it before the deadline.

    Reading With Jade

  16. There are several here that I hope to read at some point. Beloved is the only one that I have read, and I loved it BTW. I hope that you get to some of these soon and fall in love with them.


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