Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I am moving to Iceland. At least for the holiday season. What book lover wouldn’t choose to spend the month of December celebrating Jólabókaflód?

What is Jólabókaflód, you ask?

Oh my, get ready for a happy surprise....

Jólabókaflód is the Icelandic tradition of a holiday flood of books!

Some might say I've already celebrated Jólabókaflód...

...pretty much every time I come home from a conference. But, oh my, a Christmas flood of books!

Are you listening, Santa?

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme where we share new (to us) words
that we’ve encountered in our reading.
If you want to play along, grab the button,
write a post and come back and add your link to Mr. Linky at Bermuda Onion!

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.



  1. O my that is a flood of books, do you get to read all of them?

  2. It's horrible, but I never actually BUY books for myself. For the library, yes. For Christmas, my family has instructions to check books out of the library and wrap them up. That way, I have things to read but don't have to actually KEEP the books in the house! If I ever buy books, they are titles I've already read that I can't bear to never read again!

    1. That is certainly clever advise for my upcoming retirement years. Or I could just let my family walk around my house and choose books under my bed or on my TBR shelf to wrap up.

    2. What a great idea! My family can never buy books for me because they have no idea what to buy, but this is a great way for them to "get me books" for Christmas.

  3. Oh a marvelous way to celebrate Christmas - a flood of books

  4. I love the idea of both Iceland and a book flood :)

  5. Respect, that's tons of books.
    Ideal for a book-freak as you are
    And thank you for your dear visit and comments with me.
    best regards

  6. What a great word! Love all the stacks!

  7. That is an impressive flood of books and what a fun way to spend the holiday. Happy Reading!!

  8. Wow ! What a great way to celebrate Christmas- that's a lot of books

  9. Oh, to have such a flood here! Maybe someday.

  10. wow, that is a lot of books. Are you planning to read all of them in Iceland. It is a dark country in winter so..... :)

  11. It does sound like the perfect way to spend the holiday.

  12. Oh my goodness! I've never seen so many books outside of a bookstore.

  13. Wow flood of books. What a great way to spend a holiday.
    Happy WW!

  14. Oh, I just read about this on Twitter last week! Apparently, part of the tradition is to give each other books as gifts on Christmas Eve and then stay up all night all cozy-like and read! Sounds like my kind of celebration.

    And wow - moving to Iceland? How exciting! I would love to visit...though perhaps in the summer!



    Book By Book


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