Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Books I've Had on My Shelf the Longest and Still Haven’t Read

The Eight

I remember precisely when I first added The Eight to my TBR. It was after I finished reading The Secret History, and I was told that this book would have similar elements. That was in 1992, and though I've obtained and given away many copies of this book, I still haven't read it. 

Appointment in Samarra

Happily I finally read this book last month. Crossed off!

The Night Circus

I have at least three copies of this book, all obtained at various book sales and stores over the year. I will read this book this year.

Perdido Street Station

I once was a huge science fiction and fantasy reader. But that was long ago. When I was asking about new, wonderful sci fi and fantasy, this book was mentioned to me over and over. That was over fifteen years ago, and I still haven't read it.

Jellicoe Road

This is a book I see on so many Best Books I've Ever Read lists. I have two copies of it in my TBR, and I've tried to start it several times, but I've never gotten farther than a few pages.

The Book Thief

I bought it. I read a page or two. I gave it away. I bought it. I read a page or two. I gave it away. Over and over. Finally, I decided to read this book. Maybe because I forced myself to read it, I admired the beauty of the writing but I never found myself emotionally caught up in the story. 

Ah well. In any case, I read it. Crossed off.

Looking for Alaska

I was swept up completely in The Fault in Our Stars, so I naturally would like to read other books by John Green. I found this book at a yard sale. Still I hesitate. My experience with Authors I Love Based on Only One Book has been horribly disappointing in the past, once I have ventured past that single book. I think I am afraid of being disappointed again.

What do you have sitting on your shelf, almost obscured by dust?
Have you read any of these? Should I read them? Or give them away forever?

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each Tuesday That Artsy Reader Girl assigns a topic and then post her top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join her and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.


  1. I think I've heard of all the books you listed and have read none of them. I did have The Eight on my list for a long, long time, but have now removed it. A book about chess - since I don't play chess - probably OK to cross it off the list.

    1. Yes, you are probably right. Though it does sound complex....

  2. I've heard Jellicoe Road mentioned before too but have never read it. What was it that made it hard to get past the first few pages? I try to give books 50 pages before I give up on it, but some books have just turned me off from the beginning.

    1. I never got interested in the story. I want to try again.

  3. I listened to Jellico Road and I gave it two stars. One of my least favorite books the year I listened to it.

    1. Two stars? Maybe I need to cross this off my list permanently.

  4. Night Circus is on my TBR. I've heard amazing things about it. I feel like I need to read The Book Thief. The premise is so intriguing but somehow I've yet to make it happen. Good luck with your list!

    1. I need to join a group reading NC. Maybe my f-t-f book group will read it.

  5. I wasn't a fan of Jellicoe Rd, and Looking for Alaska is not my favorite John Green.

    1. Maybe I should try a different John Green. And skip JR.

  6. I didn't like The Night Circus at all. in audio. The narrator's voice was way too old for the characters depicted. here is my post: https://wordsandpeace.com/2018/02/06/top-ten-books-that-have-been-on-my-tbr-the-longest/

  7. I hope you get a chance to read these soon! The Book Thief is one of my favorite books ever.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. I really enjoyed Looking for Alaska. More complex than I initially thought and I loved the characters and their struggles. I understand the author concerns, I haven't read other books by him but I hope it works for you!

  9. I love John Green, so I recommend Looking for Alaska first. But Book Thief and Jellicoe Road are so good. My TTT TBR list

  10. I loved both The Night Circus and The Book Thief. Both are books I'm still recommending.

  11. I finally read The Book Thief last year and I loved it! I`ve yet to read The Night Circus.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

  12. I have been wanting to read the night circus forever now!

  13. I have so many dusty books on my shelf I wouldn't know where to start. I do know that The Eight is one of them! And I'm pretty sure it's been there at least 20 years.

    I read The Night Circus when it was first published. Unfortunately I was underwhelmed.

  14. I tend to get rid of books that sit there too long figuring there is a reason I haven't read it. But, the one that's been on the shelf the longest is Khaled Hosseini's And the Mountains Echoed. And I do really want to read it!

  15. By the time you get around to reading the Night Circus, you will definitely be disappointed in it because you waited so long and now have high expectations. LOL I enjoyed it. I enjoyed everything by John Green that I have read, but REALLY liked the road trip in Abundance of Katherines. I was, however, disappointed in The Fault Is in Our Stars (too much hype, maybe), but Finding Alaska--I mean Looking For Alaska was one of my favorites. NONE of the movies were as good as the books. I liked the movie version of "Fault" better than the book. I LOVED The Book Thief, but I agree that the author did not fully engage the reader with the characters, you didn't CARE about them that much. I DID like the ending although it was a bit contrived.

  16. Perdido Street Station - fantastic! read it!

  17. oh I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that hasn't gotten to the Book Thief! :) The Night Circus sat on my TBR for a VERY long time too. .I finally tired it and it wasn't for me :(

  18. The Night Circus is on my list too! Also, I LOVE The Book Thief, I hope you get to it soon.

    Good choices, feel free to check out my TTT list :)


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