Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Susan Stevens Crummel: Author Extraordinaire

I passed on her five years ago. "Her books are too hard for my primary school students," I told the other librarians in my district when they urged me to host Susan Stevens Crummel at my school. 

Was I ever wrong?!

This year we librarians in my district were asked to each feature an author at our schools, and it's a lot of work to try to find an author who will fit into my schedule and fill out the necessary paperwork, as I request the books and prepare the students for her visit. This year I decided to go with an author who was already in our system, despite my worries about the difficulty of her books.

I'm so glad I went the easy route. Turns out her books are perfect for any age.

Susan Stevens Crummel, with her sister, author and illustrator Janet Stevens, is the author of award-winning children's books, Help Me, Mr. Mutt; The Great Fuzz Frenzy, And the Dish Ran Away With the Spoon; Cook-a-Doodle-Doo; The Little Red Pen and many more. 

Susan Stevens Crummel is magic with children. She shared her stories, talked about the writing process, used students to put on skits, and completely mesmerized the seven hundred PreK to second grade students at my school.

"You were a teacher?" I asked her, curious about the source of her magic. 

"Yes," she told me, "for more than thirty years." 

"Elementary school?" I asked, confident of the certainty of her positive response. 

"No," she said. "High school math!"

Susan Stevens Crummel is an author extraordinaire.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. There you go, High school maths to children Author. you can put your mind to what you want to do. Certainly looked like she had the kids attention

  2. Wow, very impressive! Great respect for the teacher 👍

  3. That's so cool that she is talking with the kids about the writing process. It is so exciting for kids to see a concept like that come alive. Have a great week!

  4. Such a great teacher. Glad to read this.
    Happy WW!

  5. Wish the world's schools were filled with people like her.

  6. What a great story and I'm so glad her visit went well!

  7. Lovely story. The are looked like they were enjoying what she was saying :)


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