Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Beautiful Quilts from the 2018 Houston International Quilt Festival (Part Two)

Here's My Favorite Quilts from the Houston International Quilt Show. But the quilt show has so much magnificent art that I couldn't just post about it once. 

Here are more quilts that I loved from this year's festival.

The beauty of the colors and shapes of some quilts was astonishing. 

A teacher made the next two quilts. To make them, she asked each of her students to bring her a piece of fabric to use in the quilts. Can you see the wild variety of fabrics in these two quilts? She said the fabrics would remind her of her students.

The husband of the quilter of the next piece works in a hair salon. The quilter incorporated real human hair into this quilt.

The quilter of this award-winning quilt is sitting to the right of her quilt. The quilt is like a painting.

Quilts don't have to be colorful to be beautiful.

Some of my favorites are very detailed.

Something about others reminds me of people I know.

I loved the quilt show.


  1. I'm in love with the fourth quilt! Breathtaking! <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

  2. Those are amazing! I can't imagine the time it took to make them.

  3. These are stunning! I've never been to a quilt show, but now I want to.

  4. Lost for words on this, the work is amazing

  5. Wow! I love the birds & music and the black and white one. I bet they were amazing in real life.

  6. The first quilt is perfect for me, I love it! My mom made a lot of quilts that were beautiful like these are.

  7. These just blow my mind.
    I can't even wrap my head around the detail that these have.

    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  8. I love quilt shows too although I've never quilted. My mother made many baby quits as gifts, I wish I had photos of them.

  9. These are really works of art! Although I don't do any quilting I would love to go to the Houston quilt show one of these days. Thank you for sharing the pics!


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