Sunday, March 17, 2019

5 More Books Read, New Buzzes, a Cherry Pie, and a Five-Leaf Clover (?!)


I added five more books to the read column of my 1001 Children's Books list. None of which I actually read. No, I've searched for years for these books, and this week I finally decided to take a look on YouTube and see if I could at least have these books read to me.

These books give me a grand total of 643 books read out of 1001. That leaves me with only 358 books to go.


I'm currently reading Fifty Things That Aren't My Fault by the creator of the Cathy comic, and A Gentleman in Moscow and Luncheon of the Boating Party by Susan Vreeland. Plus, of course, Don Quixote and Jude the Obscure..


Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon is coming once again on April 6. What is Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon? For 24 hours, we read books, post to our blogs, Twitters, Instagrams, Litsy, Facebook, Goodreads and MORE about our reading, and visit other readers’ homes online. We also participate in mini-challenges throughout the day. It happens twice a year, in April and in October. The readathon will begin promptly at 8 am Eastern time. Register here.

I've listed and drawn the names of ten books from my own stacks to try to read by May 15th for Anne's My Own Books Reading Challenge. As usual for me, I've loaded the dice by listing four books (the first four, coincidentally) that I am already reading. Wouldn't it be lovely if I could get to most of these?

Baking, photography, drawing, and other projects...

A cherry pie and a peach pie. The real delight was the crust, made from pâte brisée

I decided to try this Irish Creme Poundcake this morning. The original recipe from the New York Times didn't include the garish green coloring in the icing, but, hey, it's St. Paddy's Day.

I'm working hard on my various Buzzes---Bakerbuzz, Photobuzz, Naturebuzz, and Gardenbuzz. I hope to ink them in and add some paint this week.

I have a friend who often finds four-leaf clovers in her yard. We marvel over this; scientists say that only 1 in 10,000 clovers is a four-leaf clover. It is said that St. Patrick used the three-leaf shamrock to teach about the Holy Trinity, while the four-leaf clover stands for faith, hope, love, and luck. This year my friend has found several very unusual clover, and I grabbed one when she was sharing them at the fish fry last Friday night. I wonder if this brings even more luck. And what could the fifth leaf be for?

The Sunday Salon 

I’ve taken the helm of one of our earliest book blogging memes, The Sunday Salon. I’d love to have you stop by my blog, Readerbuzz, here and post a link to your blog. The Sunday Salon was created twelve years ago to encourage book conversations, and I hope to do the same by sharing links and visiting others’ blogs. I will keep also he Facebook group for Sunday Salon.

I would be very happy if you would spread the word about the Sunday Salon. Encourage others to post here and/or on Facebook. Post the graphic on social media. 

My linkup for Sunday Salon is here. If you wish to also post a link at Facebook, you can also do that. My hope is that you will post here and/or at FB and then visit other bloggers. Sunday Salon is to encourage conversations about books and book-ish things.


  1. I need to make time for A Gentleman in Moscow - I've heard it's fabulous. Your pies look delicious and your drawings are wonderful!

    1. It is. I have been reading it slowly. I don't want to finish it.

  2. I've probably mentioned this before but I don't know how you keep track of all the books you're reading. I have a hard enough time keeping track of one, but maybe with "losing" Facebook, I'll gain some reading time. At least, that is the hope.

    I won't be participating in this year's spring readathon because it's my wife's birthday. We don't have anything grand planned, but it won't be reading...or not much anyway.

    Ooh, the pies look especially good.

    1. I don't know how I keep track of them either, but I do. When I read a lot of fiction at the same time, I do find myself getting the storylines oddly interconnected.

  3. I love the look of that St. Patrick's Day Poundcake. Yum! I like all your Buzzes.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you! There is so much in this world that I like to Buzz about.

  4. Like the buzzes, your quite the artest. Not sure about the green iceing on the cake. Look out for Baileys Chocolate cream, it's very addictive

    1. The poundcake is delicious, but I'm not a fan of the green icing either.

  5. The bright green icing is definitely required for St. Patrick's day. :) A little food colouring never hurt anybody.

  6. I'll be anxious to hear how you like Vreeland's Luncheon At the Boating Party. I've only read one of her books (Girl in Hyacinth Blue), which wasn't a favorite, but I'm willing to try something else. I love Renoir's painting of that luncheon and would like to know more about its inspiration.

    As I've probably said more than a dozen times, I loved A Gentleman in Moscow and I'm so glad you are enjoying it. It is on my lifetime list of favorites.

    Your pies looks beautiful! I'll bet they taste just as good, too. Maybe I should learn to make a pie crust...

    I agree with Billy Blue Eyes. You are a talented artist and I can't wait to see the final versions of your "buzzes."

    I wish I were more disciplined to write a Sunday Salon post every week, but I'm lucky if I get my monthly summary posted. I will, however, stop by and visit the bloggers who link to the weekly meme. With more and more bloggers putting their blogs to rest, I'm eager to find some new friends to follow. Good for you to host this weekly meme.

    Have a great week, Deb. I hope you're having lovely weather. It's sunny and warm on the Oregon coast!

    1. One of the members of our book club was friends with author Susan Vreeland when he lived in California, and he encouraged us to try and read her books. If you are curious about the inspiration for Luncheon at the Boating Party, you would love this book, Les.

  7. I've signed up for the Dewey readathon (yay!), have read my first book for Read My Own Books challenge, and have posted a link to my Sunday Salon. Now I'm off to read the posts of others. Have a great Sunday!

  8. I've been calling my Sunday Salon posts Sanibel Sunday while we're here in Florida, but decided to linkup anyway :) That Irish Creme Poundcake tempted me this morning, too, but I opted to go with the blueberry pie my daughter requested instead. Good luck finishing all of those books in time... the audio version of Gentleman in Moscow was lovely.

    1. I love it that you linked up here. I'm enjoying Sunday Salon so much.

  9. I really like your buzzes and that cake looks delicious!

  10. Good luck on your reading challenge. I liked, not loved, A GENTLEMAN IN MOSCOW, but I think it was a bit slow as an audiobook. sometimes format matters. I am hoping to make creme de minthe brownies to go with our boiled dinner but I haven't made them yet, so it may be just a bust.

  11. Wow, that’s a lot of children’s books. Good luck with reading the rest of them. I’m so excited for Dewey’s! Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. These five books are not available in America, and I'd almost despaired of ever reading them.

  12. I love the children's books you've added - I love the Postman Pat series, Ivor the Engine and the My Naughty Little Sister stories. Your baking efforts look yummy - those tarts are fabulous:). Have a great week, Deb!

    1. They were all lovely books. It's odd that they are not available here in the US.

  13. I'm glad I put it on the list. I hope I get to read it by the deadline.

  14. All of these books look cute! I really want to read Gentleman in Moscow!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  15. Yum pie!

    Have a great reading week and please stop by:)

  16. Good work on your children's book goal. I'm not much for taking part in challenges but do have some off my own stack coming up on my reading pile. I've set myself a goal of reading what I buy this year. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  17. I love the way you're drawing for which book to choose, next. I should do this with my kiddos for our read-alouds!! I am so overwhelmed by my personal TBR pile, but at least I always have something just around the corner. :) I've never heard of Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon, so I'll click over and see if this is something I can participate in. Also, WOW at that 5-leaf clover. I remember digging and digging for 4-leaf clovers as a child. Let us know if you figure out what the 5th leaf stands for (maybe grace?). Have a wonderful reading week, Deb!

  18. I don't know how I feel about the Irish cream ....LOL And your friend must be a lucky girl !

  19. Gentleman in Moscow has been on my to read list for a while. Thank you for reminding me about it. I now have a hold on the audiobook. Hopefully I can garden and listen at the same time.

  20. That cake is really green! I made corned beef and cabbage and soda bread ... fun holiday even for those of us who are not Irish.

  21. The pound cake and pies look so delicious!
    I think I might be giving up on Don Quixote. I haven't picked it up in over a week.

  22. Congratulations on finding five more 1001 reads. I'm really starting to miss them now, but I did need a break. I feel bad/sorry at letting the group falter.

    Your pies looks so amazing.

    I can't participate in Dewey's this time around - but I will be at a writers festival....

    1. It's okay, Louise. I will forge on. Children's books have my heart.

  23. The Dewey Reading Challenge sounds fun.

  24. I love your sketches. I am not good with graphics. At all. Have a wonderful week.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I'm not good with graphics. Nevertheless, I love making graphics.

  25. I started reading A Gentleman In Moscow last year but failed to finish it. Hopefully I get to start over next year. :)


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