Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza

I've wanted to make a Chicago Deep Dish Pizza ever since I first ate one when we visited my son and daughter-in-law in Chicago. How good was that pizza? That pizza was so good that I snuck the leftovers home on the plane. 

I ran across this recipe a few months back and I decided to give it a try. Know before you start that it takes 3 1/2 to 4 hours to prepare and at least half of that time is time you spend actively baking. But it is worth it. The Chicago Deep Dish Pizza is rich and yummy.

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  1. Got to admit I remember the one I had there, could not finish it and regret not taking the rest away. Veryt few places make them like that here

  2. That looks fabulous but I don't know if I'd spend that much time on a pizza.

  3. Deb,

    I love pizza! There isn't really a good place in town that has Chicago style pizza that I know of anymore. The closest we had, I've never had authentic deep dish pizza from Chicago, is Godfather's Pizza. We had a few of those in our area in the 80s and 90s, then they disappeared. We loved 'em, too. I will take a look at the recipe you're sharing to see what I think. Who knows maybe, I'll try it. Thanks for stopping by today.

  4. I'll add that to my list of winter foods... in the summer I grill pizza to avoid heating the house with the oven. Looks delicious!

  5. Chicago does deep dish like no other!!! It's pretty much the reason I gain weight randomly because I'll be like dang I want a deep dish or suddenly I'm downing pizza from Cheesie's with LITERAL FRIES ON THEM. (In all seriousness though YUM, this looks so good.)

  6. Can't say that I've tried a deep dish pizza like this one. It does look yummy.

  7. Oooh! That looks so delicious! I need to make one of these pies too!

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday:

  8. There's nothing like a Chicago pizza! Thanks for the recipe!

  9. We're making homemade pizza tonight! We do thin crust and cook it on the grill. This, however, looks awesome.

    1. This was delicious but it was awfully time-intensive.

  10. We used to enjoy it at a local Uno's pizza in our town, but it closed years ago. I read the article you linked: it's amazing that the dough is so buttery! No wonder it's so different.

    best... mae at

  11. Your post made me hungry! I've never had a pizza like that one, but I'd sure like to try it.
    My post features Silver Falls and Grove of the Patriarchs at Mount Rainier

  12. Looks delicious! Worth the prep time? I haven't had a Chicago deep dish in many years.


    2019 Big Book Summer Challenge

  13. It's been too long since I've had deep dish pizza

  14. I will never forget my visit to Chicago, where from the hotel I ordered a pizza from Giordano's and was so surprised to see a small, but twenty lbs pizza delivered to my room. I was so confused. Not like the pizza I have ever seen elsewhere and I am 50% Italian! But was it delicious? Yes, and it also cost me like $40 if I remember correctly.

  15. Looks scrumptious!


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