Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Food Bookbox, Paris in July, House Painting, and a Tumble in the Kroger Parking Lot


Hunger by Elise Blackwell
Save Me the Plums by Ruth Reichl
As They Were by M. F. K. Fisher

What possible reason could I have for reading five books about food this week? To put into the Food Bookbox, of course. I'm a longtime Bookcrossing member, and I occasionally still join into bookboxes. A bookbox, if you are curious, is a box of books that travels among a group of readers. You take out the books you want from the bookbox and replace them with books you are willing to pass on to others. 

The Food Bookbox that arrived this week gave me a good reason to pull books from my TBR and read them and pass them on.

Are any of you Bookcrossing members? Do you actively Bookcross? 

Stewart O'Nan is one of those writers that is easy to overlook. His books aren't about big things---no cars crashing, no bombs exploding. O'Nan looks closely at everyday life. Henry, Himself is probably not a book some people would enjoy at all. It's simply the story of the day-to-day existence of an elderly man and his elderly life, his reminisces, his regrets, the small delights and frictions Henry faces. 

Tamara of Thyme for Tea is hosting Paris in July, a month long blogging event, with very few rules - except to focus on something Parisienne, French, or from France.... movies, books, authors, food, places, music, experiences, people, culture, history, future.... whatever you like to blog about - just do a post on something you love about Paris or France, and link it in. The linkup to sign up for Paris in July is here.

Painting. Painting. Painting. More alligator holding. And I took a tumble in the grocery story parking lot and landed on my face, resulting in some lovely purple bruising and a big fat lip. I don't know whether to blame it on the rough surface of the parking lot or my progressive lenses or a pair of new sandals or some combination of all of these. 

What did you do this week?

Did you finish any books? Anything you'd recommend?

Have you seen anything bookish you'd like to share with us?

I invite you to link up here and/or at the Sunday Salon page on Facebook each weekend (Saturday-Sunday-Monday) and let us know what you have been doing. Visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there.

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 


  1. Sorry about your parking lot tumble! Hope you are better now and not quite so bruised.

  2. Sorry to hear about your tumble but I'm glad all you got out of it was bruises!

    I've never done BookCrossing but the themed box sounds fun! What did you take out of it?

    1. I took five food-themed books. Four of them I put out in my Little Free Library, but I kept Indulgence: One Man's Selfless Search for the Best Chocolate in the World. A nice combination of food and travel.

  3. your food books look very intriguing. The new Reichl memoir is on my list, and I just started reading a different book by M.F.K.Fisher. So I'm on your wavelength there.

    best... mae at

    1. You would enjoy digging through that Food Bookbox, I think!

  4. I love MFK Fisher! And (hanging head in shame) I *still* haven't read Save Me the Plums. Gawk, what's wrong with me???? I'm one of those people who likes O'Nan -- they are definitely quiet books.

  5. Bookbox looks like fun.
    Hope your doing ok after your tumble. Yikes!


  6. So sorry to hear about your fall Deb, but I'm glad it was only bruising-and nothing broken.I can't believe that I hadn't thought about Paris in July this year! I just listened to the new version of The Handmaid's Tale, and I am in love.

  7. Sorry to hear about your fall! Did you say it was in a parking lot of a business? Two of my friends have successfully sued businesses after falling on their property. One friend caught her heel in something on the sidewalk of The Hollywood Bowl and got a ton of money. The other friend's elderly mother slipped on a strawberry of all things in a store and she got a lot of money. So if you feel like going through the hassle of the paperwork and court dates...LOL Anyway, glad no bones or teeth were broken!

    Henry Himself sounds really good so I added that to my TBR.

    1. My fall was probably my own fault. I do wish they'd fix the parking lot, though.

  8. Oh no! I have managed to bruise myself up with a fall once or twice. Hope you heal quickly!

  9. How horrible to have a fall. Have now ordered Henry HImself. Cheers

  10. I hear you! Just recovered from a fall myself - backing down a ladder after picking papayas. I know nothing about Book Crossing, but do love M.F.K. Fisher, and have Save Me the Plums on reserve.

  11. I used to be a member of BookCrossing (I guess I still am!), but it's been years since I've participated. Every so often, I pull a book off my shelf and see that BC sticker on the inside! I think a few came from you. :) I also remember book boxes from a Yahoo group I used to belong to.

    I'm so eager to read Henry, Himself. I loved Emily, Alone.

    So very sorry to hear about your tumble! My husband did the same thing a few years ago and really hurt his hand and his back. I hope you heal quickly!

    1. It makes me happy to think you have some BC books of mine on your shelf.

  12. Ooh, a tumble is always unnerving. I can relate. Take care!

    I like Stewart O'Nan, but have only read Emily, Alone. Then I learned of his other books, which I hope to enjoy as well.

    Have a great week.

    1. I'm on hold for Wish You Were Here, an early Stewart O'Nan.

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are feeling better. BookCrossing sounds wonderful. I've never been part of that. I hope you have a great week!

  14. This week I did get a chance to read some Romance reads in addition to some other books I paged through. I'm sorry to hear about your fall.

  15. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry about your fall and hope you heal up quick. With my right side paralysis I tumble often and it is no fun.

  16. The bookboxes are fun. Sometimes they come to nothing, but sometimes they are full of wonderful reads I never would have found otherwise. And they only run about $10 to mail.

  17. Oh dear, I’m glad the fall wasn’t any more serious.
    Unfortunately Bookcrossing is way too expensive a proposition costs about $10AUD to post just one paperback.

    Enjoy, Henry Himself

    Have a great reading week

    1. It's too bad there is no discounted rate for books in Australia. I didn't know that.

  18. Oh no! I am so sorry that you fell! I hope you heal up quickly!
    I hope this week is awesome for you! Feel better!

    1. Thank you! A little makeup covered up most of the bruising enough for me to attend my uncle's 80th birthday party yesterday.

  19. Sorry to hear about your tumble in the car park - do take plenty of arnica and slather it on those bruises (so long as you haven't broken the skin) it really, really does work! I do like the sound of Henry Himself... Have a better week:))

  20. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your tumble. I'm the worst about that too and have done the same thing (in the parking lot of a Jewel Osco) and OUCH. I hope it heals as quickly as possible!

    I'e never heard of bookcrossing but I think it's possible I live under a rock for a good portion of my life! But, I started to read Sous Chef: 24 Hours on the Line a few years back and have been toying with picking it back up again in the future to give it another chance. I think it was one of those 'wrong book, wrong time' things. Anyways, the whole concept of bookcrossing sounds so fun!

    1. Sous Chef seemed to go on and on about the life in a kitchen. I think you have to really enjoy learning about that sort of work to read the whole thing.

  21. I've heard of Bookcrossing, but have never done it. Love the foodbox idea! I enjoyed Sous Chef on audio earlier this year and am looking forward to Ruth Reichl's latest. I'm also a fan of Stewart O'Nan, especially Last Night at the Lobster. I also loved Emily, Alone and the prequel, Wish You Were Here. Haven't gotten to Henry, Himself yet.

    Sorry to hear about your parking lot mishap - ouch! Hope you're healing now :)

  22. I've never heard of book crossing! Sounds like a fun idea.
    Sorry to hear about you tripping and hurting your face! That's awful. Fingers crossed the bruising fades quickly and you're not too sore!

  23. I read Hunger about ten years ago and loved it. Nice selection of books as always!

    1. Oddly, when I posted my review on Goodreads, I saw your review of it.

  24. Ouch. Sorry about that tumble and I'm glad you didn't get seriously hurt. The Bookcrossing sounds like fun!

  25. That book box idea sounds like fun. I'm sorry to hear about your tumble. I'm glad the only result was bruises. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  26. Bookcrossing sounds fun, I am not sure if it is done here in New Zealand. Maybe not. I want to read Save Me the Plums and is on my soon to read agenda.

  27. It's *always* the pavement's fault. ;)

  28. Hope you are better now after the tripping. Some of your books I don´t know, but they do look really interesting. Guess, my wishlist just grew a bit, again *sigh*

  29. I should go back to bookcrossing! I gave it up because I used to just leave books when I finished them and not go home to record them, but now it's probably mobile. Thanks for the reminder! And I hope your bruises heal up quickly.

  30. Interesting Salon as always. I enjoyed visiting this one, but hated to hear about your fall (after the fact of your telling me about it.)


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