Saturday, August 31, 2019

I Disembark (Finally!) from the Pequod and Head to Utah

I have read Moby Dick. 

Done. Finished. Wow. What a story. I spent all of August aboard the Pequod, but I finally reached the last three chapters where most of the real story takes place, and finished Moby Dick.

Other than Moby Dick, it was a Spanish-themed picture book (did you know that I can read in Spanish?) week for me, just the sort of reading I love. I read five great picture books, all with Spanish themes. ¡Más libros ilustrados en español, por favor!

For my complete reviews, click the links below:

I'm reading Utah while I travel.

The Cybils are coming. It is time to seek judges for the 2019 Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards. Do you love to read and review children's books or young adult books? I hope you will apply to be a Cybils judge here. (Note: We always have a particularly difficult time finding judges for elementary/middle grade nonfiction, junior high/senior high nonfiction, and poetry.)

Hmmm...this sounds like a job for me: Gwyneth Paltrow's Professional Book Curator. Anyone else need a book curator?

I'm off for a week of hiking and other adventures in Utah. I am supposed to have an Internet connection, but one never knows when one heads out west. Hopefully, all will go well here on Sunday Salon while I am gone.

How was your week?

Did you read any good books? Please share them with us.

What other bookish things did you do? What else is going on in your life?

I'd love to have you to link up here and/or at the Sunday Salon page on Facebook each weekend (Saturday-Sunday-Monday) and let us know what you have been doing. I hope you will visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

If you have other blogging friends, it would be wonderful if you'd tell others about our salon and encourage them to join us.

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 


  1. I'm so impressed that you stuck with Moby Dick and you can read in Spanish. I used to be able to read French well enough to tackle a childrens' book but not anymore. :(

    1. I'm studying French for a trip (hopefully) in February.

  2. Riders of the Purple Sage takes me way back...Enjoy your travels and your books!

  3. My week was very interesting, Lots of nonfiction. Had lots of fun!

    1. I'm always on the look out for good nonfiction. I'll be watching to see what you thought of it.

  4. Congrats on finishing Moby Dick, I’m glad that you learnt to love it, sadly I never did.

    Have a wonderful time in Utah!

    1. It's okay. Maybe you will come back to it later in life.

  5. I instantly recognized Raul the Third's art from Cathy Camper's Lowriders series. And I read Desert Solitaire long ago in college (and The Monkey Wrench Gang, and a few other Abbey books), and hope it's as good as I recall. Enjoy Utah as well--definitely some beautiful scenery there! I think my sister read Moby Dick (or tried to), and described it as "a chapter of story, a chapter of a sermon," so I was dissuaded. Maybe someday...

    1. I read Desert Solitaire a while back (maybe the last time I went to Utah?) but I'm enjoying the nature bits as we take our walks.

      Okay, I need to find out who Raul the Third is.

  6. Congrats on finishing Moby Dick. I want to read Raul the Third's picture book.

  7. Congratulations on finally sailing forth from the embrace of Moby Dick and Ishmael:)). And I hope you have a lovely break in Utah, which looks amazing... Your Zane Gray brought back many happy teenage memories when I went through a phase of reading his books.

    1. I don't think I've ever read a Zane Gray book before now. This book features a dark hero fellow who travels around avenging wrongs and saving the good from wickedness. I'm just a short way in. We'll see what happens.

  8. Have a great hiking in Utah. That sounds like a lot of fun and perfect for September. Congratulations on finishing Moby Dick. It's truly an accomplishment.

  9. My Papi Has a Motorcycle is one of my favorites. I love the story of Gobi!

  10. I've never read Moby Dick and I suspect I would probably feel the same as you. I read your Take away post about it. Wow!

  11. Have fun in Utah! Congrats on finally conquering Moby Dick. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. Hope you have a great time in Utah hiking. Sounds so exotic to me. Congrats on finishing Moby Dick. I think Spanish is a great language to have and to be able to read in.

  13. Ooh Riders of the Purple Sage. My grandfather had that book in his collection and I was always enthralled by the title- it sounded so cool. :) I should really read it one of these days!

    Have a great time in Utah!

  14. I abandoned ship on Moby Dick when I decided to read it for a summer a few years ago. While I enjoyed some of the passages and there were unexpectedly some humor to be found, I just couldn't be bothered to stick with it. I'm glad you did, though!

  15. No wonder I couldn't find anyone stirring at your house the other day.

    1. Yes, I've been off in the wilderness for nine days, and I've just returned home today.

  16. I hope you've had a wonderful hiking adventure in Utah this week, Deb! Every year I'm tempted to apply to be a judge for CYBILS, but then I look at all that I've committed to on my #mustread list and feel overwhelmed. Maybe next year I can plan ahead and apply knowing that I have no other reading commitments. That would sure be nice!


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