Thursday, March 19, 2020

24in48 Readathon

And as more and more countries are implementing social distancing recommendations (if not actual quarantines), we decided it was time to find comfort in books and the community that loves them.
Which brings us to the Social Distancing Readathon.

Stay home.

Wash your hands.

Read books.

March 21 & 22. 

It’s that simple. No prizes. No hourly challenges. No requirements. Just a chance to reconnect with this amazing bookish community (online! no hand sanitizer required!), read some good books, and talk about them with other readers.
This spontaneous Social Distancing Readathon will take place next weekend, (officially) starting 12 a.m. EST on March 21st. You know the drill by now; adjust your timezone as desired, and read with us on Saturday (21st) and Sunday (22nd) from wherever you are in the world.

So, who’s in? Sign up here. Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter, and we’ll use the hashtag #StayHome24in48 all weekend.

My Plan
I plan to start today, Thursday, and read for what I hope will be a total of 24 hours over the next few days. 
Books I Hope to Read

Nonfiction Picture Books:
Beehive by Jorey Hurley
Wildlives: 50 Extraordinary Animals That Made History 
Bug Dipping, Bug Sipping by Marilyn Singer
Being Frog by April Pulley Sayre
Trees by Verlie Hutchens

Children's Fiction Books:
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made
The Candy Mafia by Lavie Tidhar

Adult Nonfiction:
The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea
Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials that Shape Our Man-made World
Mortality by Christopher Hitchens
I Am I Am I Am: Seventeen Brushes with Death

Adult Fiction:
Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman
Migrations: A Novel by Charlotte McConaghy
Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
A Good Neighborhood by Therese Anne Fowler
Recipe for a Perfect Wife by Karma Brown
The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich

Natural Wonders of the World (DK)
Wake Up! by Chris Barez-Brown
Wool by Hugh Howey
How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
Educated by Tara Westover
Pauses for Lent by Trevor Hudson

Dear Martin by Nic Stone
Happiness Hacks by Alex Palmer
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo


  1. Not sure I'd have that much time to read that many in 48 hours be lucky to read one.
    Keep well

    1. I am a fast reader. In normal times. Of course these aren't normal times.

  2. Oh, I'm sure you'll meet your goal with ease. I, on the other hand, am having trouble focusing on books right now.

    1. I think we all are, Deb and Kathy. Myself, I'm finding, though, short stories (I'm reading Sherlock Holmes) are working. I'm starting my readathon tomorrow, or going to try to.

  3. I want to read a few that you listed, but probably won't for a while. Bet you will meet your goal and I hope you enjoy your special reading time, Deb. Take care!

  4. Wow. I thought my list was long. LONESOME DOVE is my 2020 Reading resolution: I was reading the new issue of Book Page (free from my library) and came upon a page where five of the magazine's editors made their one reading resolution for the year. I decided right then and there to make one, just one, too. And here it is....LONESOME DOVE. I binged watched the whole mini-series in one day. Now I will read the whole book in one year!

  5. I thought I commented, but it got ate somewhere. Regardless, I'm joining in too and might be starting tomorrow. I might also read into Monday or Tuesday at least, if not longer.

    1. I'm finding it a little harder to focus than usual. I think I need to find some light reading.

  6. Good luck! I’m going to do this readathon too. I’ll be reading Sherlock Holmes books the whole time. I own a lot of them.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  7. I haven't read anything in the past week. I really need to find my reading mojo again.

  8. I would love to participate but I am frantically learning by trial and a great deal of error how to teach on line.

  9. I would love to participate, but I am frantically learning to teach on line.

  10. We are almost half way through this readathon and I've read... nothing. Somehow, Saturday has gotten in the way. I hope to get some reading done tonight.


I love to hear your thoughts.