Saturday, August 29, 2020

Two Hurricanes (!) in the Gulf; Obsessed with the Edinburgh Book Festival; and A Million Dreams


Hurricanes Marco and Laura were no-shows in Alvin, Texas this week, and we are all happy they were. A twenty-foot storm surge and 150 mph winds are terrifying to contemplate. I've been through five big storms in my life, and I have seen enough to take a hurricane in the Gulf seriously. Two hurricanes in the Gulf at the same time? Now that's a first. Pure 2020.

In anticipation of the upcoming Cybils, I've started reading a couple of picture books each day. I heard Yoko Ogawa speak at the Edinburgh Book Festival and then her book, The Memory Police, arrived for me at the library. The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donohue is a story from the 1918 flu epidemic, set in a maternity ward for patients with the flu. For those of us who like to read about nature, I recommend The Thing With Feathers about birds. If you are curious about modern art, you might enjoy, as I did, What Are You Looking At? I finished my Classics Club spin, Around the World in 80 Days, and watched the classic 1956 movie. Anyone who loves reading and writing would probably like the comics in I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf.


September will arrive on Monday. It's time to wrap up my three summer challenges. 

#Bookaday Summer Challenge...167 books read in 92 days 
20 Books of Summer...49 books (more than 200 pgs.) read 
My favorite 20 (more than 200 pgs.):
1. The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa (289 pgs.)
2. The Thing with Feathers by Noah Stryker (304 pgs.)
3. How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi (305 pgs.)
4. The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue (304 pgs.)
5. Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne (252 pgs.)
6. Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout (270 pgs.)
7. The Last Flight by Julie Clark (288 pgs.)
8. Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come by Jessica Pan (368 pgs.)
9. The Black Kids by Christina Hammons Reed (367 pgs.)
10. The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa (288 pgs.)
11. Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center (320 pgs.)
12. Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk (368 pgs.)
13. The Readers' Room by Antoine Laurain (224 pgs.)
14. The Beauty in the Breaking: A Memoir by Michelle Harper (304 pgs.)
15. What You Wish For by Katherine Center (320 pgs.)
16. The Whole Fromage: Adventures in the Delectable World of French Cheese (274 pgs.)
17. What Would Cleopatra Do? Life Lessons from 50 of History's Most Extraordinary Women (320 pgs.)
18. Seven Ages of Paris by Alistair Horne (476 pgs.)
19. Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry (416 pgs.)
20. Set My Heart to Five by Simon Stephenson (356 pgs.)

Big Book Summer Challenge...6 books read (over 400 pgs.) 
1. Dirt: Adventures with Family, in the Kitchens of Lyon, Looking for the Origins of French Cooking by Bill Buford (448 pgs.)
2. Seven Ages of Paris by Alistair Horne (476 pgs.)
3. The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter (495 pgs.)
4. Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry (416 pgs.)
5. Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman (462 pgs.)
6. What Are You Looking At? The Surprising, Shocking, and Sometimes Strange Story of 150 Years of Modern Art (465 pgs.)

Still working on these...haven't read much more from last week...

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy...69% read
Devotions by Mary Oliver...42% read
How to Draw Your Beautiful Ordinary Life...36% read
The Novel Cure: From Abandonment to Zestlessness: 751 Books to Cure What Ails You...10% read

Here's a list of authors I've now seen at the Edinburgh International Book Festival:
Jenny Offill, Yoko Ogawa, Dapo Adeola, Nathan Bryan, Michael Morpurgo, Polly Dunbar, Anne Enright, Alexander McCall Smith, Richard Holloway, Olivia Laing, Helen Macdonald, and Isabel Wilkerson. Have you watched any of the festival?

Love kidlit (and who doesn't?) Apply to be a Cybils Awards judge here.

1. The hurricanes did not hit me.
2. The hurricanes did not hit me.
3. The hurricanes did not hit me.

And here's a Bonus Good Thing:
 A Million Dreams, with my dear friend, Larry Lawrence, on violin.

I'm very happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. There are no requirements for linking up at Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is simply a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. Sunday Salon is a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. I've watched several sessions from Edinburgh this year. I am not sure if it is just because it is online this year, but the sessions that I have seen look very relaxed!
    Have a great week!

    1. I never thought I'd get to attend the Edinburgh Festival, and now I can. It is one of the best things about the pandemic.

  2. That’s good the hurricanes didn’t hit you, they sound terrifying. I just read The Memory Police, it was such a refreshing change to read a dystopian where the wasn’t a zombie invasion or a nuclear apocalypse.

    Have a lovely week.

    1. I liked The Memory Police very much. I tend to like books written by authors from Japan. Mysterious. Surreal. Wise.

  3. I am SO glad the hurricanes were no-shows for you! The predictions sounded terrible. I'm looking forward to listening to The Pull of the Stars. Hope you have a good weekend, Deb!

    1. The Pull of the Stars was what you might expect with this author, though I did think the ending felt a bit rushed, maybe to get it out to coincide with the pandemic.

  4. Deb, glad your area was spared by the hurricanes; it was frightening to watch on tv. I loved The Traveling Cat Chronicles and can't wait for my turn with Pull of the Stars. And, well, I LOVE Olive of course LOL

    1. Yes, I loved all of these. Travelling Cat was the most diverting, I think.

  5. No effects of the hurricane here either. Not a drop of rain and that's not a good thing. I have Emma Donoghue's book on my TBR list. I hope to get to it sometime this summer or fall.

    1. I'll take no rain for now. I was terribly worried about the wind from this storm.

  6. I was thinking about you as I heard about the hurricanes and so pleased to hear you were spared; what a relief. You have done so well on your challenges! I only managed to read 4 big summer books. I know we have another week, but I probably won't fit in another one in that time.

    1. I've pushed through books, even though I wasn't enjoying them. I think I need to do what I did in the pre-pandemic days and just stop reading.

  7. I'm so glad the hurricanes missed you. It sure has been some crazy year, hasn't it? Hurricanes are the last thing anyone needs. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Harvey is still fresh on my mind. Two nieces, one brother, one sister-in-law and lots of friends flooded in Harvey.

  8. So happy the hurricanes missed you! I'm always in awe of your reading. Thanks for the Cybils link. I applied!

  9. I am glad that the hurricanes did not hit. You were in my thoughts and prayers. They do seem to help!

    The pull of the stars will be so interesting. But I might rather make a sharp left turn. I've been through my own terrible experience in a maternity ward and tend to rather just avoid it.

    The thing with features is an awesome title! I can just hear a youngster saying it!

    Congrats on how well you are doing with your reading challenges! I just hope that I get to finish my own little challenge this year....! Next year I want to try an Around the World in 80 books challenge. Dream high!

    Hope you will have a wonderful week! Here's my The Sunday Post #9

    1. I greatly appreciate the thoughts and prayers. It was a long week.

      I think you should avoid Pull of the Stars. It was a very emotional book.

      I need to set some new challenges now. I think I may concentrate on reading for my Classics Club list now.

  10. I'm glad the hurricanes missed you. Congratulations on completing your summer challenges.

    1. I liked having the summer challenges. I think I need to come up with some new ones for the fall and winter.

  11. As I read your post I borrowed What Are You Looking At from my library and will be reading it after I finish commenting!
    Dirt is popping up everywhere.
    The Edinburgh Book Festival is on my bucket list if we can ever travel again. I can just see my husband's eyes rolling but I can tempt him with golf.
    So 2020 is definitely becoming an expression we all can relate to.

    1. I hope you enjoy What Are You Looking At. It explained a lot of things about modern art that I didn't understand.

  12. I was wondering if the hurricanes would be near you! Glad that you were not affected.

    All those picture books look wonderful!

  13. So glad your town was missed. Parts of Louisiana look battered. Yikes awful for Lake Charles. I liked The Memory Police novel ... it's different but also intriguing. I'm midway into The Pull of the Stars and so far I'm hoping it gets better .... it's like a medical trip to the fever ward ... just grim sickness all around & primitive medicinal help ... it's made me wince more than once .... We will see if there's more to it. enjoy your week.

    1. Every Emma Donoghue novel I've read has been a grim read.

  14. So glad the hurricanes skipped on past you! And your reading was amazing. Enjoy the upcoming week and whatever good comes your way.

    I only read two books this week: He Started It and The Switch, but loved them both.

  15. I'm so glad those hurricanes did not hit!! Incidentally, they are named like me and my cousin. LOL
    I'm upping my kidlit reading this upcoming month too. I've neglected them during the summer months. Can't believe it's September already. I'm not ready for it.

    Congrats on accomplishing your summer reading challenges! Have a great reading week.

    1. I'm always on the lookout for good picture book recommendations.

  16. The possibilities of twin hurricanes must have been terrifying.. I’m glad you are safe.
    You’ve had an excellent result with your challenges - well done!
    I watched a few of the Edinburgh presentations including Val McDermid, Marian Keyes & Matt Haig. My library also launched a monthly zoom cast this week which I attended, it’s called About a Book and they, and special guest authors, discuss and recommend books.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I'm looking forward to hearing Matt Haig this morning, too.

  17. Love this festival. Sounds so great. I made to sure to share it to fb.

  18. So very glad that the hurricanes didn't hit you, Deb. I can only imagine how terrifying it must be to see a storm of that proportion to be closing - so hugely relieved that folks I know in this community have come through unscathed. While also sparing a thought and prayers for those poor souls who did end up being hit...

    I'm in awe at how much reading you get done, Deb. And the range and quality of the content... Whatever else is going on in your life - your reading ability is exceptional! I hope the coming week is a lot less fraught and a lot more peaceful.

  19. I'm glad the hurricanes weren't as bad as they were expected to be and that they missed you.

    I read The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa years ago and the beauty of her writing has stayed with me all this time. The last time I looked, the library didn't have more of her books. I need to check again.

    Congratulations on your challenges and enjoy your week!

  20. I’m happy the storms missed you. I love the virtual choir. A few videos like that have been popping up in my YouTube feed. I’m glad that people are getting creative and finding ways make music during a pandemic. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's uplifting to hear music that comes together beautifully while people are so far apart.

  21. Now that's some serious book-reading volume! I bow down toyou.

    And I am so grateful you didn't have the hurricanes come your way. That's terribly frightening. For this I, too, am grateful.

    1. I'm a huge reader. Fast, too. It would have been good if I could have read for a living. Although I guess, in a way, I did.

  22. happy the storms missed us in the florida panhandle too. have a good week

    1. I always hope the storms will head toward the deserts.

  23. Glad that the weather didn't cause you a bunch of problems. I do wish we would have gotten a bit of rain. However, two storms at one time. No, nothing I ever remember either. Lots of people came up to our area to shelter from the storm, but I think most went home pretty quickly. The hotels got full and then I guess emptied out. Hope we get a little moisture this week, but we'll see. Have a good week!

    1. Yes, we knew several people who evacuated. Trying to evacuate for Rita and driving for seventeen hours to get away from the storm put a lot of us off evacuation. I don't know if I'd ever try to do something like that again.

  24. I'm happy to hear the hurricanes did not hit you! It must have been awful to wait and see if they do.
    I recently got The Memory Police and I'm quite excited to read it. Did you enjoy it?

    Have a great week!

  25. NO hurricane! Good news for once!

    be well... mae at

  26. We were spared the eye of the storm, the rest of our state was not so blessed. It's going to be a long road to recovery.

    Did you see the meme where a man walks into Pat O'Brian's Bar on Bourbon Street and says, "I'll have a Corona and two Hurricanes." The Barkeep replies, "That'll be $20.20!"

    1. I'm glad you made it through the storm. I have personal experience (Hurricanes Carla, Harvey, and Alicia, plus Tropical Storm Claudette) with cleanups, so I understand.

      That's a fabulous meme. Thank you!

  27. So glad you were spared the hurricanes. Great job on the challenges.

  28. Now I need to set myself a new challenge, I think.

  29. I'm super glad that both hurricanes missed you! They're the last thing anybody needs at the moment... And two of them?! As you say, pure 2020.

    You've read an amazing number of books this summer! I have no idea how you do it but well done on the challenges!

  30. your reading list this past week wows me!! and those challenges completed!! Definitely gives me the inspiration to continue reading

  31. I'm glad the hurricanes didn't hit near you. Of course, that didn't mean that you missed out on the worry. You certainly do take part in lots of challenges. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I don't normally do lots of challenges, but this summer I did.

  32. Good to hear you escaped the hurricanes and may that continue! You did really well with your big book challenge.

    1. The Big Book Challenge was the most difficult challenge.

  33. 2020 keeps trying to outdo itself, it seems! You did great with your challenges. I can't believe August ends today. At least Labor Day is late this year, so it doesn't feel like the end of summer YET! Being a book judge is a real labor of love, but you end up reading a lot of great books that way. I've listened to two of Emma Donoghue's books on audio -- Room and Frog Music -- both of which made for powerful listening. Not sure how I want to read Pull of the Stars yet...

  34. 2020 iis determined to get us one way or another! Rae


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