Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My Non-Bookish Hobbies

I love to read. You might be surprised to find that I enjoy other things.

What can you surmise from these paintings of my alter ego, Readerbuzz?

Yes, so here goes: I love to bird watch, take photos, garden, and bake...PLUS...

...write in my daily journal, walk, bake bread, blog, do yoga, travel, make pies, meditate, drink coffee, draw, visit Paris, play Scrabble, learn new words, write poetry, talk, listen to others talk, go to bookstores, visit libraries, swim, bake the world's best chocolate chip cookies, learn French, practice my Spanish, ride my bike, watch old movies, review books, go rock hunting, kayak, grow vegetables, explore the American West, write my novel, paint rocks, play guitar, hang out with my puppets, play card games, hike, walk in nature, camp, read aloud from picture books, illustrate my favorite quotes, make lists of books I want to read, talk to my bird, picking up pecans, bake something I've never baked before, tell stories, wear costumes, dance, sing, listen to music, watch romantic comedies, search for books for my Little Free Library, bake biscuits, be with my grandchildren, go antiquing, make lists of the best books I've read, listen to podcasts, write little stories, arrange my bookshelves, organize cabinets and drawers, fold laundry, browse through books, swing on my front porch, go on picnics, visit museums, quilt, look for fossils, hang out with my friends and family, tell jokes, put together puzzles....

And read. Did I tell you that I love to read?

Do you share any of these pursuits?

What do you enjoy doing?

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each Tuesday That Artsy Reader Girl assigns a topic and then post her top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join her and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.


  1. OOh nice hobbies! I thought this one was a little hard since so many of my hobbies are book related but I did manage to find 10 that weren't! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I went ahead and listed a few that are book related but are different from reading.

  2. I am pretty sure that I don't have ten things I do that don't involve reading. I will think on this one.

  3. We sure seem to have a lot of hobbies in common! :)

    My post.

  4. Wow, love your list, you've really put a lot of effort into it. I tried to stop at ten, not always easy with these topics.

    But I really, really loved this topic and it was nice to find out so much about you. We seem to share a lot of common interests.

    The only thing you didn't mention often enough is that you like to read. 😉🤣

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  5. I've been planting succulents and cacti. I have never had a green thumb ever but during this pandemic I've learned things and my plants are doing so well. I have a collection on the patio and on the side of the house and now I added two on the other side of the house on this plant racks the previous owners left 12 years ago. I love to play in the dirt. It's so relaxing. Oh, and walks with the pup. She always enjoyed walks but she is a tugger and since I've been walking her and not letting her do that, she now walks so nicely on the leash. It's so enjoyable now.

  6. Great list! If you enjoy folding laundry, I'll let you come tackle mine! :-D I don't mind it too much but I tend to do it a week's worth at one time at the campground laundry room and then dump it all on the bed for folding. There's always a moment when my heart sinks at the size of the pile! But then I start listening to my audio book and settle in to get it done.

    I'll take some biscuits and chocolate chip cookies! Biscuits are just not the same outside the south.

    I really miss museums. They were allowed to reopen in Oregon but it seems like very few of them have.

    1. I can't explain it, but there's something satisfying about folding clothes. And, oddly, making the bed.

  7. WOW! You have a lot of hobbies. I'm especially impressed that you write in a journal every day. I used to be a big journal person, but once I had kids, it became an impossible thing to keep up. I really regret it now because I would have liked to go back and remember all the funny/crazy things my kids did when they were little. My memory is horrible!

    Oooh, do you have a good chocolate chip cookie recipe? I keep looking for the perfect one, but I'm not sure I've found it yet ...

    Happy TTT!

    1. It's never too late for journaling, Susan.

      I do have a good chocolate chip recipe...with a secret ingredient....

    2. Now I'm even more intrigued ...

  8. These are all great hobbies! Lately I've been walking 2 miles a day and doing puzzles. OH, and I guess I can count calling to check on my parents daily, too. That's new in COVID times.

  9. Wha ha ha!! Love how you handled this and the graphic is awesome!

    Hang out with your puppets?? That sounds like a fun conversation to have...

    You keep busy! That's great Debbie.

    Here's my The Collected Works of Elza Reads

    1. I'll have to hang out with my puppets on the blog one day.

  10. Excellent list! You have so many wonderful ways of occupying your time. I like the idea of keeping a daily journal - I started one this year but struggle with forcing myself to keep up with it every single day.

    1. When I don't have anything else to write, I focus on WIA: Where I Am.

  11. hahaha loved reading your list and first guessing from the pictures!! I want to Kayak and rock climb someday.. Love watching romantic comedies as well!
    Here's my TTT

  12. I love your list so much. It makes me smile. Happy election day. Keeping my fingers crossed. What do you think Texas will do?

    1. My son in Chicago thinks there's a small chance we might go purple here in Texas. Happy election day, Anne!

  13. I love finding painted rocks in my LFL.

    And I love the idea of collecting a rock from every US state.

  14. Wow! You sure do a lot of interesting activities! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  15. I share many, many of these! It's why I'm never bored!

  16. What a wonderful list and it shows that your life is full!

  17. Deb, I do share a lot of these! And I love the little paintings of Readerbuzz. Do you do those?

  18. I love the way you detailed your list. We have a lot in common! We don't have time to be bored. So much to do and explore. :-)

  19. This is such a great list! I enjoy a lot of the same activities and can't remember the last time I said I was bored. Isn't it great to have time for all these pursuits now that you're retired?!

  20. Such a fabulous list. Oh, my husband and I both love to do puzzles together!! So many great things on this list though.

  21. You're definitely the most well-rounded person I know. I wanna' be you one of these days! LOL


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