Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Small Delights: Flowers on My Morning Walk

 Yes, I'm a Texas Master Naturalist, but that doesn't mean I can identify the flowers I see growing in yards on our morning walk. I welcome any identifications you might make.


Globe amaranth

Chinese rain tree

Trailing daisy

Blue plumbago


Angel's trumpet


Crepe myrtle



Egyptian star-cluster



  1. I know nothing about flowers, but I can appreciate their beauty without knowing their names! Thanks for sharing these stunners.

  2. I don't have a green thumb so I don't plant my own flowers. But I like to see other people's flowers and the beauty of nature.

  3. Moved the end of August from California to Austin! Love the flowers here. Still settling down. Things are different here - more relaxed!

  4. Beautiful flowers! As we've been moving around, I finally downloaded the PlantSnap app. I could at least take a stab at a plant ID on the east coast but I started getting out of my element in Austin and I'm mostly clueless on the west coast. PlantSnap isn't perfect but the right ID is usually somewhere in the list of possibilities it returns. It's free up to a certain number of pictures per day. I highly recommend it.

  5. Very nice. I discovered crepe myrtle last year, visiting a friend in Georgia. I was totally mesmerized by that tree - and it was a huge one. Such an amazing flower

  6. Beautiful plants/flowers, Deb. I never would have guessed that first one is a hibiscus, though. The leaves look a lot like an oak leaf hydrangea, and yet the blossom is unfamiliar to me.

  7. You are lucky to have been able to take these beautiful flower photos ! Here summer left us and flowers are gone too ! It's a sad month, November !

  8. You had a lovely stroll! Thanks for taking us along by sharing at

  9. I loved this, thank you! We have a very few bright flowers here!

  10. How wonderful to see these lovely delights on your morning walk!

  11. Love this. I've been spending as much time outside, walking around as possible and I've come across all sorts of neat plants. I use Google Lens to identify most of them but the pup doesn't let me stand still enough to take a decent pic sometimes. She dilly dallies when it's me waiting on her but no way will she wait for me.


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