Saturday, July 17, 2021

Une Autre Semaine Fabuleuse de Paris en Juillet


Have you ever felt so tired that you almost couldn't write? That's me after this busy week!

What I Read Last Week:

Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim ⭐⭐⭐
Paris Without Her by Gregory Curtis ⭐⭐⭐

What I'm Reading Now:

The Belly of Paris by Emile Zola
The Lollipop Shoes by Joanne Harris
Crepes by Suzette by Monica Wellington
A Hundred Million Francs by Paul Berna

Paris in July Last Week:

I reviewed Confessions of a French Breadmaker and tried one of the recipes from the book for Walnut and Red Wine Yeast Bread here.

I tweaked the Top Ten Tuesday post to note ??? Book Titles ??? That Are Classically French.

 Paris in July from Previous Weeks:

I shared my favorite modern art from Centre Pompidou: Modern Art at Centre Pompidou in Paris. Did you know "modern art" doesn't really mean modern art? I did not.

I listed my favorite French-ish books and tried to figure out why I love these books so much: Why I Love French-ish Books (And Why You Should Love Them, Too!)

I packed for Paris in July here.

Good Thing #1
I love my Aqua Fit swim class
I'm so glad to be back in the pool with my friends.

Good Thing #2
We took our grandkids to Moody Gardens in Galveston this week.
They loved looking at the birds and monkeys in the rainforest
and they were fascinated with all the sea creatures in the aquarium.

Here's a photo of us from March 2020 at our grandson's birthday party.

Good Thing #3
Mi esposo and I celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary
by going out to eat and visiting a bookstore.

I'm happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. It's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 


  1. What's going on here? One big thing: the Art Fair is back, much missed last year in my home town of Ann Arbor, MI. Your reading list looks great. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    best... mae at

  2. Great article. I think you are smart person, because reading many books. Have A nice weekend

  3. Happy Anniversary 🥂
    Seems like a busy but satisfying week in between your jaunts to Paris.

    To be fair it’s still three days until Sunday so you could have rested first ;)

    Wishing you a great reading week

  4. Happy Anniversary! Dinner & a bookstore sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. Is The Lollipop Shoes the Chocolat sequel?

    1. It's the first sequel. I've just learned that there are two more sequels, a total of four books in the series.

  5. Happy Anniversary Deb - Big milestone too, love the picture. Great progress on Paris in July. Hoping the coming week is a good one for you.

  6. Wonderful photo of you and your husband. Happy Anniversary! Dinner out and a bookstore visit sounds like something my husband and I would do to celebrate. :)

    Glad you are back to your aqua fit class. I'll bet it's refreshing to be in a pool right now.

    Have a good weekend!

  7. Happy Anniversary! That's great that you've been able to go back to your fitness classes and seeing friends. Can't wait to hear about current Parisian reads.

    1. I haven't read anything new I'd recommend from Paris in July, but I have enjoyed the Paris setting of all of them.

  8. That's a cute picture of you two ... and Happy Anniversary! #43 impressive! I'd like to get back to the pool too ... but I'm sure there's a rigamarole to it here. Love all the Paris titles you mention. Enjoy!

  9. Happy anniversary! Dinner out and a bookstore sounds like the perfect way to celebrate! And the Aqua Fit class looks fun. My son's physical therapist is always raving about swimming or any exercise in water because it's so much easier on the joints and engages the core more. Luckily we have access to a private pool (he can't use a public pool because of his immune system) and we can't get him in there often enough to suit her! Have a great week!

    1. There's something wonderful about swimming. And just seeing people I haven't seen in a while and catching up...

  10. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a great week for you and I so love the Paris theme! Have a great week!

    1. I have so much fun during Paris in July. I'm happy Tamara has hosted this event for ten years now.

  11. Happy anniversary to you and your husband!

    I haven't been back to the gym since covid started but I did go sign paperwork to visit the Y here. I kept my membership active throughout the pandemic because the Y back home has a lot of good programs for the community. I'm hoping to get back into a good fitness routine next week.

    It sounds like you had a lovely day with your grandchildren! My husband and I love going to gardens, zoos, and aquariums. We'll even visit children's museums if they look like they have exhibits for older kids too. We loved the Perot Museum in Dallas. It felt like a kid's museum but we had a great time exploring everything. We like hands-on activities too! :-)

    Enjoy your week!

    1. I kept my membership with the Y, too, but it is not certain that our Y will be able to reopen.

  12. Happy Anniversary! I'm not even 43 years old yet...! Only six months to go though...!! My hubby turned 43 on Monday. Baked him a lovely cake and had my in laws over.

    I did find a book on my Kindle for Paris in July - One day in Paris. I started with it on Sunday night after saying I will make a plan, but I didn't get very far this week. Hopefully next week will be a bit better.

    Have a good week and I do hope you get some rest in!

    Elza Reads

    1. You could be our little love child, Mareli. I always forget that I'm old enough to be most people's mom, if not their grandma!

  13. Neither of you look old enough to have been married for 43 years - you must have been a child bride! The Lollipop Shoes is such a fascinating title - I hope the book lives up to the promise. Happy reading 😊

    1. I was eighteen when we started dating and twenty-one when we married.

  14. Our building pool reopens this week! An aqua fit class would be great. We're 43 years this year too!

    1. So we married in the same year, Jackie. And I'm happy your pool is reopening.

  15. Happy Anniversary!!! A trip to the bookstore to celebrate is perfect! Have a great week!!

  16. Happy Anniversary; 43 years is impressive!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a good week, of course anytime I get to spend time with my grandchildren is a good week for me. I had a relatively quiet week, which was nice for a change. I am looking forward to a busier week ahead.

  18. happy anniversary. looks like you enjoyed a wonderful outing
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. We ate a great meal at one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants outdoors.

  19. You are killing it with Paris in July this year - bravo!! I've wanted to try a water fitness class for a long time. When we get back to FL and they start up again, I'm planning to sign up. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband... you must have been just kids when you got married! ;-)

    1. I kept waiting for the Y to reopen, but I finally went ahead and signed up for a class through the city.

  20. So fun!
    I get tired like that when my blood sugar gets too low. Or when my dog keeps me up all night,

    1. I haven't felt this tired in a long time. I've forgotten how much energy little children have.

  21. Paris Without Her stole my heart. I'll be reading that one for sure. Thank you for sharing.

  22. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate! By the way, you two are adorable :)

  23. I was all excited about the book about The Little Prince then I saw your 2 star note. Hmm. Guess I'll skip it.

    1. You might like it more than I did. I thought the author was too psychologically analytical.

  24. I am so excited for your next post.

  25. I was afraid the kids would not be engaged, but they were completely fascinated.

  26. Sounds like a wonderfully busy week! Enjoy this one and your virtual visit to France. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  27. I wish I could be in Paris for real! I hope we'll be able to travel by 2022.

  28. I love your good things, as always, and Happy Anniversary! I'm impressed.

    Enjoy your week and your books. Your Paris experiences are the best.

  29. Happy Anniversary!!

    I am so glad that you are getting back to a bit of normal with your swim class! It feels so nice to get back out there. We are still babystepping but the steps we have taken have been worth it. :) Your trip to Galveston sounds fun!! Have a great week!

  30. Happy Anniversary! That sounds like a perfect date! And you have been a most prolific Paris reader. They sound good and I hope you tell us more about them!

  31. Wowee, 43 years married, and you both look too young! Swimming sounds great and grandkids - the best, even better than Paris!

  32. Happy anniversary!! Dinner and a bookstore sounds like a perfect way to mark the occasion. :)

  33. Congratulations for 43 years of marriage. That is quite an achievement. I can understand that you feel too tired to write sometimes, you have achieved a lot in a week. You have really done well for Paris in July.


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