Wednesday, May 11, 2022



It's a word we don't seem to know much about here in the US.

AirFrance knows this word. AirFrance is all about service.

The flight attendant offered to take a photo of my sister and me on the plane to Paris.
A hanger was on my seat to hang up my coat during the flight.

We were brought a warm moist cloth towel for our hands before we ate. 

A cloth tablecloth was placed over the tray table.

Champagne! And French wine!

The first course. Real silverware. Real butter. Real bread.

The main course. With more champagne. 


Service: the action of helping or doing work for someone.

United Airlines...American Airlines...Delta Airlines...Southwest Airlines, are you listening?

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme where you can share new words that you’ve encountered, or spotlight words you love.  Feel free to get creative! It was first created by Kathy over at Bermuda Onion and is now hosted at Elza Reads.

Weekend Cooking was created by Beth Fish Reads and is now hosted by Marg at The Intrepid Reader (and Baker). It is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page. For more information, see the welcome post.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I hear you! Thank you for sharing!!!


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