Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Sunday Salon: Family Weekend!


Welcome! I am happy you joined us at the 
Sunday Salon

What is the Sunday Salon? 

The Sunday Salon is a place to link up and share what we have been doing during the week. It's also a great opportunity to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

We are delighted to spend the weekend with my son and his wife from Chicago as well as my son and his family from East Texas! 

What I Read Last Week:

Oh dear. Nothing. 

Instead of finishing anything,
I started three more books!

What I'm Reading Now:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Book Club)

On the Hippie Trail: Istanbul to Katmandu and the Making of a Travel Writer by Rick Steves (Nonfiction)

Cold Sassy Tree: A Novel by Olive Ann Burns (Fiction)

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (Creativity)

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (Fiction)

What I Posted Last Week Here at Readerbuzz:

I began to list 3 Good Things every day during the pandemic. Now I've established a regular routine of writing down my 3 Good Things. Here are 3 Good Things from last week:

Good Thing #1:

Poetry Night 
at Rae's Reads Bookshop.

Good Thing #2:

Watercolor class.

Good Thing #3:

Dusky-blue Groundstreak
during Butterfly Monitoring.

Weekend linkup spots are listed below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


I hope you will join the linkup for Sunday Salon below. 


  1. Lovely to have your family visit! Joyous occasion.

  2. Such a lovely family snapshot, love it! Lots of fun was had at your gathering I'm sure!
    I may want to read the Rick Steve's book. Just the title alone makes me think of the year and a half I bummed around Europe back in the 1970s. Crazy times.

  3. How wonderful to have your children and their families visit! I am a big fan of Rick Steves and so I will be interested in reading your review of the book. Have a wonderful weekend Deb!

  4. The world is so full of good books to read! I love that your list and mine scarcely overlap, but so many good ones on both. Thanks for hosting the fun weekend book and blog event.
    best… mae at

  5. So funny! My husband was just telling me about Rick Steve’s book, and here you’ve just read it. And I so enjoyed Hitchhiker’s Guide. Crazy fun book.

  6. Great picture of you and your family, Deb! Thanks for sharing it! Hope your time with them is wonderful! And also hope that not too much of West Texas blows down to us and eventually to you. That dust can just stay in the Western portions, right? LOL

  7. I hope you are enjoying your family visit! Have a great week!

  8. Love that you got to spend time with the family!!! I love that pic too. I always forget to take photos.
    You are like me, I add more books than I finish.

  9. I read Cold Sassy Tree years ago, I don't remember much about it. Enjoy the family time :)

  10. Looks like a wonderful family visit! The watercolor class sounds fun too. I've always wanted to try something like that. I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy your reading.

  11. Hooray for family!

    I've never seen this butterfly before, it's very pretty.

  12. I love hearing about all the fun things you do with your family and friends! I rarely see butterflies anymore and I've never seen a butterfly like that

  13. So glad you got to spend time with your sons and their families!

  14. I love Cold Sassy Tree. I hope you do, too. Have fun with the family!

  15. I remember absolutely loving Cold Sassy Tree when I read it years ago. Have a great week!

  16. I've watched Rick Steve's travel shows. They're wonderful when you're dreaming of traveling to a place. Look at that beautiful butterfly! I hope you enjoy the time with your family! Have a wonderful week, Deb!

  17. Nice to see your family gathering, wow enjoy! You have picked some good books to read. & Good job on the watercolor. Keep it going.

  18. Big Magic looks quite curious. And that butterfly is beautiful! I'm sure it's so much fun having so much family around for a spell :)

  19. How lovely to see your family. Your three good things sound excellent.

    Have a lovely weekend

  20. Yay for family! Is that all of your children and grandchildren, or do you have more?

    My wife just started watercoloring herself. Any tips?

    1. The woman who taught my watercolor class is just learning herself, and this is my very first class. Maybe your wife can advise me!

      I have a grown granddaughter who is finishing college who is not in the picture. She has a little girl, too.

  21. Enjoy your family time!
    I love all your projects. And so neat you are reading Wolf Hall, though you will have of course to read the whole trilogy, because you see the genius of the author when she slowly shows the evolution of the character between the 3 books. He seems a rather decent and good man in the first one, doesn't he?

  22. I love the family photo. Someday I'll read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :)

  23. Spending time with family is the best... enjoy every moment!

  24. What a wonderful week you've had! Reading always takes a back seat to Family Time and I'm so glad you've had plenty <3 Happy Sunday!

  25. Glad you had fun with family! Looks like some good books too!

  26. Your family look delighted to be together :)
    Your current reading list is very interesting and so eclectic.

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  27. I love all your pics. Sounds like you had a good week.

  28. I'm pretty sure that there is nothing better in the universe than spending time with our adult children and their families! One of our sons will be here next week with his two children. His partner may or may not come with him depending on her work schedule. In the mean time I'll be collecting books to read with them.
    I haven't read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy since I was in my 20's. From what I remember, it was funny enough, but I wouldn't reread it. I much prefer Terry Pratchett.
    Cold Sassy Tree sounds like an interesting read. I was surprised that even though it was first published in 1984, there is a six week wait list to get a copy from my local library!

  29. Sounds like you had a fun family reunion! How nice! Just put Cold Sassy Tree on hold at my library; perhaps I’ll read the sequel, Leaving Cold Sassy.
    I started to add Books That Inspire Me to my TBR and realized it’s a pretty long list. But isn’t that the joy and purpose of reading? To grow; to understand worlds different than ours; to open our minds? Thank you for sharing such a fabulous list. One of my favorite poetry books is Cool Salsa Bilingual Peoms on Growing Up Latino in the United States by Lorie Marie Carlson. Most of Joe Hayes books have touched my heart, but especially Clever Women and A Spoon for Every Bite.
    I hadn’t realized/remembered you were an artist as well! 😊

  30. Yay for spending time with family. I think we all need that, now more than ever!

  31. that watercolor is so beautiful Deb!! And a book by Rick Steves - I will definitely check it out. Also, not sure if you saw my response to your comment regarding the poetic forms but I added a link/page to the top of my blog - Poetry Index - so hope that helps for now (still need to add all the forms on it and more details to make it helpful)


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