Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Sunday Salon: Everyone is Welcome Here


Welcome! I am delighted that you joined us here at the 
Sunday Salon

What is the Sunday Salon? 

The Sunday Salon is a place to link up and share what we have been doing during the week. It's also a great opportunity to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

A busy week.

The world grows 
stranger and stranger.

What I Read Last Week:

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (Creativity)

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (Fiction)

The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year by Margaret Renkl (Essays)


What I'm Reading Now:

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (Fantasy)

Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel (Fiction)

Gringos by Charles Portis (Fiction)

Finger Exercises for Poets by Dorianne Laux (Nonfiction)

What I Posted Last Week Here at Readerbuzz:

I began to list 3 Good Things every day during the pandemic. Now I've established a regular routine of writing down my 3 Good Things. Here are 3 Good Things from last week:

Good Thing #1:

Inprint in Houston hosted
author Emma Donoghue
last week.

Good Thing #2:

I went on the first 
of four guided birding outings
in Galveston last week.
Thank you to our guide, Alice Ann.

Good Thing #3:

Everyone is welcome here.

Weekend linkup spots are listed below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


I hope you will join the linkup for Sunday Salon below.


  1. We love Howl's Moving Castle -- both the book and the film by Hayao Miyazaki. I hope you enjoy both of them! The other books on your list also sound like good reading.
    Thanks for hosting Sunday Salon all weekend!
    best... mae at

  2. You read a mix of good books last week. I have read Mantel, Gilbert, and Renkl before ... and I'm a bit curious of the Rick Steves travel memoir. thanks for your thoughts.

  3. I couldn’t help but notice on the bird outing above no one has binoculars!

    1. We had just arrived, and the binoculars are in the car. You are quite observant!

  4. It sounds like you’ve had a good week! The bird outings sound interesting. Have a lovely week ahead Deb!

  5. Sounds like a great week despite being busy. Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. So glad you had fun on the bird hike. I would have liked to hear Emma Donoghue!

  7. I dream about birding in Texas, by the Rio Grande, where the border patrols make it near impossible.

  8. I look forward to the Rick Steves book :-) Thank you for sharing. My husband has so many binoculars and we tried to get some birding in at St Marks a few days ago. May need to wait on cooler weather to go out there again. Everyone is welcome at my site as well .

  9. The author visit from Emma Donoghue looks fun. I love the Everyone is Welcome here sign!

  10. The world is indeed getting stranger. A friend has to go to America for work and she's really nervous about it (the getting thru customs). She's white and not gay or trans but still, for us over here it seems like a very stressful exercise with all the news at the moment. I couldn't believe we were talking about America!
    I didn't know the Howl's was written by Diana Wynne Jones. Will check out. And off to read the post about the books you didn't finish, as I'm a snoop (and usually have to get to the end of books even if I hate them! Ha!)

  11. I loved those Mantel books. What a great writer! And the Renkl book is one of my favorite "Nature" reads.

    Have a wonderful week.

  12. We have a few friends with 2nd homes in South America, so Gringos sounds interesting. Your posts have such a variety of books to “shop”. Thank you!

  13. You are staying very busy with good things!

  14. A very nice mix of reads. I’ve just started watching the birds (live alongside a river). I’m still trying to identify them but am delighted by pelicans who have returned. There was just one and now there are seven.

  15. How was Emma? I see that she was HERE...TODAY at this event: PEN America is once again proud to be a part of the 2025 Annual AWP Conference and Bookfair, which is taking place from March 26-29 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. I put myself on the email list for next year.

    1. Oh wait...I see they alternate cities every year and next year is Baltimore so, who knows when it will roll around again? Bummer.

    2. But LA has a fantastic book fair once a year, I think.

  16. The guided bird outing sounds like so much fun. Have a great week! :)

  17. You have been so busy. Your books look good. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

  18. This country gets scarier by the day with all the hate. Birding sounds like a blast.
    We are in this together. Stay strong!

  19. The country has definitely gone to hell, and we did not even get handbaskets :( But I love seeing Everyone is Welcome Here - pretty much anywhere. Kindness counts, and even when it doesn't feel like enough, it's still so important. Thank you for being you <3

  20. You summed up the state of the world well. What fun events you were able to attend!

  21. ah ah, good to see you are in book 2 of Mantel's trilogy!

  22. Love your message of everyone being welcome!

  23. Wow, Deb, what a nice week. I woke up this morning and I was getting my roast in the crock pot, and I heard the birds chirping outside the kitchen window. It was such a beautiful sound. Have a fantastic week, love!

  24. The birding outings sound wonderful! I'm curious about that Rick Steves book. I watch his travel shows and enjoy them.

  25. Love your good things (as always) and want to go on a birding outing now!! And hope to get to that Rick Steves book soon.. have it on my digital library shelf..

  26. My sister teaches in Idaho and she shared with the the whole affair about EVERYONE WELCOME HERE which happened at a neighboring school. I'll link it to my blog so you can see the news story about it if you don't know what I am talking about.

  27. Everyone is welcome here. Such an important message that has been shattered in the US over the past few months. It makes me so sad.

  28. A guided bird tour sounds marvellous!


I love to hear your thoughts.