Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What Are People Doing Here?

This is a sign across the street from my house.
Cars drive up in the evening.
People go into the building.

I have lots of questions.
What are they doing in there?
Are they striking?
Are they grappling?
Do only Americans strike and grapple?
What are they training for?

What are these people doing here?

For more wordless photos,


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog :)
    Love the photo!

    Currently reading: Changeless by Gail Garriger (for a bit of fun as I have too many non-fiction on my bookshelf).

  2. Ha, funny name for it, but it's a martial arts club. I was going to say rock-climbing at first by the sound of it. Hope for your sake these guys come out happy after their classes; they will be packing big muscles. Just joking there :)

  3. I'm trying to imagine what it looks like inside there!

  4. haha, what a great name! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  5. I'm tempted to sneak in there and see what's going on.


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