Monday, September 30, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

What I Read Last Week

The XX Factor: 
How the Rise of Working Women 
Has Created a Far Less Equal World
by Alison Wolf

The Smartest Kids in the World
and How They Got that Way
by Amanda Ripley

Some Nerve:

Lessons Learned While Becoming Brave
by Patty Chang Anker

What Arrived in the Mail Last Week

by Chloe Taylor

Stitches and Stones
Ready to Wear
On Pins and Needles
Lights, Camera, Fashion!

What I'm Reading Now

Between Shades of Gray
by Ruta Sepetys

('s not that book!)

What are you reading this week?

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed Page. We share books that we found in our mailboxes last week.  

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from! I love being a part of this and I hope you do too! As part of this weekly meme Book Journey loves to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. 


  1. OWW YES for Between Shades of Gray. I loved that book and I hope you will too.

    And tell me... what do I have to do to make my nephew the smartest in the world?

  2. I hope you enjoy your reads this week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  3. Ciska, based on the book, I'd say that he needs to move to either Korea or Finland! :-)

  4. You've had a week of serious reads, I hope they've been entertaining too.

  5. Oh I'm glad it's not THAT book lol some people call it garbage. enjoy your week!

  6. I like the book you've gotten and are reading. I like Sewzoey.

  7. I heard good things about Between Shades Of Grey - enjoy! I like the way you did your post!

  8. I really like your list and have added several to my wishlist. Between Shades of Gray and Sew Zoey are in my shopping cart :-)

    You'd think I'd be fully stocked, shrug, some of then will end up as DNF or unread at this time.

  9. Oh, the XX Factor has caught my eye...I'll be watching for your thoughts.

    Sew Zoey looks cute....Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week.

  10. These are all new to me. I will have to look into Between Shades of Grey it sounds good. Happy reading:)

  11. I can't wait to read your reviews. I started reading Between Shades of Gray when it was first published, but didn't get a chance to finish it. Hope you enjoy it. Today I'm reading Focus by Daniel Goleman (non-fiction) and XO Orpheus which is modern retellings of Greek and Roman myths.

  12. Between Shades of Gray looks good (and better than that *other* book, which I didn't read). XX Factor and Smartest Kids looks like intriguing reads when I am in the mood for non-fiction. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Nice! These are all new to me! Hope you enjoyed and enjoy them all!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  14. LOL are you sure it's not that book? I have this on my TBR as well, actually. There are so many good-looking books out there.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. Have a great week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  15. I was intrigued by The XX Factor. Here is the link to what I am reading this week:

  16. I have a copy of The XX Factor I've been meaning to get to, too...though I think it's going to make me a little angry ;). I really want to read The Smartest Kids in the World and Some Nerve - great picks you have!

  17. I've heard good things about the Smartest Kids and definetly want to read it.

  18. The Smartest Kids in the World sounds really interesting. I will have to look into it!

  19. I really want to give Between Shades of Grey a try, it looks wonderful.
    Thanks for stopping by my It's Monday post this week!
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages


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