Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Salon: New York, New York!

This summer I went to New York City for the first time.

Guess what was my favorite spot in NYC?

Fortitude or Patience. Fortitude, I think.

You know you are going somewhere special 
before you go inside.

Even the water fountains are beautiful.

Art in the library. What a great place to read!


So beautiful.

Just beautiful.

And this is just for the even numbers.

I could have stayed here all day.

The children's room was lively.

Just because the library is old doesn't mean
it's out of date with technology.

Beautiful outside spaces, too.

And look what I got in NYC!

Am I the only one who goes to libraries on vacation?!


  1. I love these pics. I hope that I can make it there someday.

  2. Haha I went there when I was in NY too! Did you go to The Strand as well? I was in heaven.

  3. I would probably have found a hotel nearby the library and not went anywhere else and then I would have been disappointed in myself when I got home. I always look for the library everywhere I go.

  4. I never thought I'd go there, Hillary. Don't give up hope.

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only person who visits libraries while on vacation, BookBelle!

  6. You're definitely not the only person Deb, I do too. In fact one of the few regrets I have from Paris last year (apart from the fact that it was two months too short) is that I didn't go to the National Library which was in fact just a few blocks away, and I walked past quite often on my evening stroll. Next time.

  7. It's strange, Louise, but I failed to visit the library in Paris also.

  8. Oh, going to New York is definitely on my Bucket List...the short one with that wish near the top!

    Love the photos...I'm drooling here.


  9. The New York public library is an amazing place even if you're not into books.

  10. I've never been to New York! But that library looks absolutely amazing. I would LOVE to go there someday :]

  11. I loved seeing the library when I went to NYC too! The book delivery number system was so strange compared to a small town library.

  12. The NYC public library is so fantastic! Just this morning my daughter and I were saying we've got to do another trip to NYC and you've just reminded me of another reason why

  13. Great pictures! I love NYC! I live on Long Island and rarely get into the city.

    Have a great week!

  14. Would love to visit the NYC library at some point. Looks like an amazing building.

  15. A nice quiet place in NY - the library!

  16. Love this series of shots. As someone who has NOT been to that library, I'm glad you just gave me a virtual tour (or tease, if you like). :)

  17. The NY Public library is great! I'm glad you got to go. And please enter me into the contest! I'm an old follower.

    arallison at gmail dot com

  18. I follow you on twitter! @msasenath

    arallison at gmail dot com

  19. We are also friends on goodreads :) (Asenath)

    arallison at gmail dot com

  20. What great photos. I remember those lions and that wonderful library. I visited it several times as a child:)

  21. I love your blog and have given you the Liebster Award. Visit my blog at to see your blog listed :)

  22. Great photos! I've been and have a couple of photos of my daughter posing with the lions. I think she was ten at the time. I love to visit NYC!


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