Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Top Ten Trends You'd Like to See More Of

The top ten trends I'd like to see more of are:

Photo by moriza
(1) More people reading books

(2)  More people going to the library to get books

Photo by Neeta Lind
(3) More parents reading books to their young children

Photo by susansimon
(4) More people buying books as gifts

(5) More people talking about books instead of watching tv
(6) More people talking about books instead of talking politics

Photo by Friar's Balsam
(7) More people going to bookstores to buy books

Photo by David Jackmanson
(8) More celebrity authors

Photo by JD Hancock
(9) More tax benefits for reading books

Photo by mikebaird
(10) More time off for employees to spend reading books

How about you?
What are the trends you'd like to see more of?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. Super fantastic list!! And perfect pics to go with! I think my post will just be "Yeah. What Deb Said!" :)

  2. This was brilliant. I agree with almost every point! My god, I wish my parents had forced me to read when I was a child. I feel like I missed out on so much! 30% work, 70% reading - sounds good to me!

    Thanks for stopping by ;)


  3. YESSSS!!!! Great list. ^_^ Especially number ten. I wish I could use that one today...

  4. I love your list!! I agree with everything on it - specially more people buying books as gifts! I've got so many birthday gifts that I would have gladly replaced with a book!


  5. I totally love your list, Deb! :) And I couldn't agree more on all of them. You totally tell it like it is. Thanks for making my morning a bright one, Deb. :)

    DJ Librarian Dishes

  6. Jessica, let's work to get legislation on that one!

  7. Love your list!!! Especially tax breaks for reading!

  8. I totally agree with 1 through 7. So true!
    9 and 10 made me smile, but it would be awsome. :)

  9. I really like #10. Too bad that job just keeps getting in the way of all my reading time.....

  10. Best list ever! :)

  11. Best list I've seen all day! I agree with everything on this list 100%!

  12. I love idea 9 and 10! That would be awesome!

  13. Love your list: It's going to generate some positive momentum in the Universe, I'll wager!
    And I've been reading War & Peace (along w/3-5 other books/week) all summer for our W&P Read-Along @ What She Read. I've linked the posts in my Readalongs list in the tabs if you're curious, and I'd love to read your reactions too. I'm 1/2 way through and taking a brief breather this week so other IRL readers can catch up for our book group discussion, but I'll be back next Wed. through Aug. for W&P Wednesdays.
    Also, WOW: You must read and write with extreme rapidity to get through so many books and reviews in a week. You are now officially my pace idol.

  14. I love your list! Now, let's start some trends!
    As far as #3, I just read a good one: Interrupting Chicken

  15. I love your list! Especially more people buying books as gifts. I'd add "and then inscribing them." I so enjoy receiving a book that a friend has specifically picked out for me and then went through the trouble of writing something sweet in the first pages. It makes that book so much more special.

  16. More parents reading to children definitely!! That is so important!

  17. Brilliant list! I most definitely agree with every single one of these.

  18. Great list. I agree completely. I especially love the whole idea of tax breaks for reading. Now you're talking. :)

  19. Yvette, how about tax breaks for reading and taxes on tv watching?!

  20. I love how different your list is!

  21. Awesome. But I think the first one really gets to the heart of it. I think all the books I buy should be a tax deduction as well:)

    Check out my list at The Scarlet Letter.

  22. I couldn't have made a better list if I'd tried! Perfect...

  23. Love the way you set up your list! The only one I'm wary on is more celebrity authors - definitely depends on who the celebrity is!

  24. Celebrity authors...I should clarify. By this, I meant a world where authors are celebrities...just because they are authors.

  25. I love your take on this prompt - fabulous list :)

  26. Awesome, awesome list. My mom read to me from the time I was an infant and I was taking books for show and tell in kindergarten and reading them to the class. I applaud you for that point on your list, and for #10!


  27. Love your list! And YES to the tax benefits for book readers! That would mean more money to buy more books :)

  28. That is the PERFECT list. It's Utopia. It's the [book]Garden of Eden. It's my dream come true.

  29. A world where books are king and where people who read books are respected, Tami? You are right...Paradise!

  30. What a great list...along these lines, I'd loved to see a trend where the "nerdy" reader kids in school are viewed as the "cool" ones!

  31. Excellent addition, The BookGirl! I agree. (And strangely, it was true at the school I attended...the smartest kids were very cool...or, at least, so it seemed to me!)

  32. I know I am weighing in a little late...but this post was one of my favorites from last week's and I keep thinking about No.(10) More time off for employees to spend reading books. How do we make this one happen? Just got a job and my reading time is WAY down!...especially since they will NOT allow you to read on your down time. Very UNCOOL!
    Thanks for a great post!

  33. Thank you so much, Kate! You are right. We must find ways to implement this into LAW.


I love to hear your thoughts.