Friday, March 7, 2014

Shake Off Those Chilly Winter Blues! Win an Amazon Gift Card!

Emergency Summer-Cation Blog Hop! 

It's been cold this winter, people. Cold. We've had not one, but two Snow Days at my school here along the Texas Gulf Coast! Ridiculous. We are accustomed to Hurricane Warnings not Freeze Warnings, guys. Like we always do, we put in our garden in mid-February. Whoosh! What happened? Another early March freeze! Crazy.

I'm whining about having to wear coats in February, but Sheila at Bookjourney has faced some truly cold weather in Minnesota. Here's what knocked her over the edge: Her utility company has notified customers that to prevent pipes from freezing, every home must run a pencil wide stream of water in their faucets from now until...oh my!...April 15!

Sheila, in desperation, has called for a massive Summer-cation Weekend Blog Hop. I have answered that call.

Let's post reminders this weekend that winter will end, that summer will come again.

It's easy to win. Post a This-Too-Will-Pass tip/reminder/prayer-for-spring in the comments section (and let's hope you are following my blog!) and you will be entered into a contest to win a lovely $25 Amazon gift card. Be sure to include your e-mail address (posted in an elusive way to thwart the wicked).

If you really, really want to win this gift card,
you are welcome to receive extra entries by:

Following me at Twitter
and leaving a comment +1 

Befriending me at Goodreads
and leaving a comment +1

Befriending me at Facebook
and leaving a comment +1


  1. There is hope! Here in the frozen Northeast temps for the next few days will be in the 40's melting some of the polar ice cap that's been trapping us for over a month now!

  2. Rumor has it we will be in the 30's this weekend.... it will be like a heart wave if it is true!

    My prayer is that sunny days are sure to come and we will appreciate each and every warm day even more so :)

    Thanks for coming to my rescue with your post :)

  3. Great fun, Deb! Thx for partying (=
    play your fav Summer tunes! change your inner soundtrack with some upbeat hapPy memory music (=

    "God does good things, giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons, filling you with food and your hearts with happiness!” Acts 14:16-18

    I thank God that "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven... "

  4. +1 twitter follower @_eHope

    +1 goodreads [writer...]

    +1 fb friend [FaithHopeCherrytea]

    and ty for the lovely giveaway Deb!

  5. [email addy at blog profile and your comments are emailed directly to me]

  6. Summer has to come or else it will have me to deal with! There's a promise for summer! ;)
    Friend requested you on goodreads too. You can contact me through my blog.

  7. It was 48 today. Yippee....what a nice break from the frigid temperatures.

    ENJOY your weather if you had a reprieve today.

    Silver's Reviews
    Giveaway of SILVER GIRL

  8. I feel a bit guilty, because it was 60 degrees here yesterday while I was reading (and writing my own) all those Summer-cation posts.

    I pray that we get lots of spring RAIN, high in the mountains, so that no one faces a drought, but in the valleys, lowlands, etc.... Let summer begin!

  9. I sent you a friend request on facebook. My blog is The Friday Friends, but I'm pretty sure the friend request will come from Debbie Stone. Just so you know...not some random request.
    Have a great day.

  10. No coats, flowers, barefeet, ice cream cones, fairs, gardening

  11. It's coming, it's coming!!! :) n facts its only -4 here. Yay!

    I follow you on Twitter! (of course!) @guiltlessreader
    on FB
    and Goodreads too :)

    readerrabbit22 at

  12. I am listing to the drip, drop, drip of melting snow an ice--promises of spring coming.

    mgifford01 @
    Follow you on twitter as @seeword
    Follow you on Goodreads

  13. We had spring for 1 day or -- back to winter...blah...I've started cleaning out flower beds but haven't made enough progress to worry about losing anything. So this morning more hot tea for me & hot lemonade for the girl.

  14. My tip: take a mini vacation and come visit me in SoCal. It's 80 degrees today. :-) We can always go to the beach.

  15. I missed the whole thing but what a good idea. We have something like 2 inches of rain yesterday, so it was indoor stuff for us!

  16. How about I send some of our crazy summer weather your way . . . I would love some cold weather right about now. How long can our heatwave go on?? Just Reading for Fun


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