Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Summer, ca. 1992.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. Looks messy and fun! Awesome shot.

  2. Love it!! I see you are reading These Broken Stars... my book club is reading it if you want to join in


  3. Yes, it is really very funny, nice trucker mud!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I remember swimming in the river as a kid and it was just as muddy and dirty as the one in this photo.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  6. Ooh, so much muddy water! I bet it felt good at the time...Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Your photo gave me my first chuckle of the day. I wonder which one of those kids said, "Hey, let's put mud on our heads!" And of course they all thought that was a great idea. So delightful that the moment was captured.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features WALLA WALLA, WA.

  8. At times as a kid, I liked to "dress" myself up with bubble bath, with house paint, and with sea weed. Mud would have probably felt fun too!

  9. :-D We've had camping trips like that with the kids and our friends too - so much fun and lots of great memories.

  10. What a great photo!!

    So cool, but I wouldn't want to have mud all over me. :)


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