Monday, July 21, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


What I Read Last Week


Remember Ben Clayton was our book club book this month. I finished it just in time for book club, but, sadly, I missed the club meeting as I was getting ready to leave for our son's wedding. Too bad. I heard the discussion was excellent.

The Summer's a classic and it deserves to be. A grandmother and her granddaughter bond at a summer house after the death of the child's mother. Powerful, yet very subtle.

Animal Madness and Big Tiny are both books I've been waiting to read since I first heard they were coming out. Neither disappointed.

What better book to read while I was off at my son's wedding than The Week Before the Wedding?! I had my hair and makeup done early in the day-of with orders to "keep still" and "stay out of the wind." That is virtually an instruction to sit in my room and read. So I did. Learned a few things about mothers-in-law that fall in the category of Never Do. A nice read, I thought.

What I'm Reading Now



We are back from...

Friday was my son's wedding in Chicago! It was fabulous.

What are you reading today?!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too! As part of this weekly meme Book Journey loves to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. 


  1. I just read Ben Clayton--definitely worth the time. I want to read soon All the Light We Cannot See and Landline. I've read about them! p.s. We still have a landline and during Ike we were the only ones in the neighborhood who could call out!

  2. We still have our landline, too. I won't share my husband's tirades (ceaseless tirades, really) against cell phones.

  3. I have been sort of curious about Landline because I liked the one book by Rainbow Rowell I read. I'll be eager to hear what you think. Come see my week. Happy reading!

    1. I've been curious about Landline, too. I liked E&P, but Fangirl...not so much.

  4. I want to be in the cover of The Summer Book and I think I'd like to read it too. Enjoy!
    Book Dilettante

  5. Congratulations on the wedding.

    All your books are new to me. Enjoy them all.

    1. Thanks! I hope to spend some of today doing just that!

  6. Yes, I definitely learned some things not-to-do as a mother-in-law!

  7. Landline is definitely on my to-read list. The Big Tiny sounds intriguing, too!

  8. You and I are book buddies this week! I have All the Light we Cannot See coming up in a few books and I'm going to pick up Landline from the library tomorrow. :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The Week Before the Wedding ... how perfect lol. Landline is on my TBR stack and I'm curious about All the Light We Cannot See. Glad to hear your son's wedding was wonderful!

  11. I wish I could read that many books in a week. :) Happy reading!


  12. Congrats on your son's wedding! I'm definitely adding The Light we Cannot See to my TBR looks. It looks quite interesting. Thanks for sharing your reading. I followed also while I was here.
    It's Monday, What are you reading?

  13. CONGRATS to the bride and groom and to your entire family.

    How is Landline? I see it around and have a giveaway on my blog but haven't read it.

    The Big Tiny looks so cute. I hope it is good.

    ENJOY the rest of your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading


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