Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hunting for Fossil Fish, Outside Kemmerer, Wyoming

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. That's something I haven't done for years. I used to go fossil hunting as a youngster at the bottom of the white chalk cliffs near my home. I might just have a go this afternoon!

    Visit Keith's Ramblings!

  2. We spent a day there. Hope you have a go this afternoon.

  3. That is incredible! I haven't done something like that before.

  4. That looks like an awesome way to spend the day. What an exciting thing to do.

  5. Fascinating way to spend the afternoon, and the fish fossils you found are so clear, looks like they were embedded just a few weeks ago not centuries. Great WW!

  6. How fascinating. How hot was it? It looks scorching.

    1. We wore coats when we first arrived as the temps were in the 50's. By noon, the temperature was in the 70's and it was very pleasant.

  7. wow! when I saw the title 'fossil hunt' I thought you were playing with words. I have never seen or heard anything like it. But it looks like a great fun both for finding 'treasures' and for taking photos.

  8. Wow! This is beautiful. I've never seen something like this :)

  9. It was difficult getting the fragile fossil fish home from Wyoming.

  10. this is how to find the needle in the haystack :)

  11. How fantastic is that? It must be amazing to find fossils like that- I bet your husband was thrilled.

  12. Hi!
    Great shots. Looks really interesting.
    Have a great day!

  13. Cool and amazing! We have a place called Drumheller here in Alberta where I was told you can dig your own dino fossils. I've only been to the Dinosaur Museum but never actually go dig fossils. Thanks for sharing these amazing photos.

  14. What wonderful shots! Thanks for sharing...I have never been fossil hunting. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  15. That does look hard work, but great fun.

  16. Wow! What an interesting activity. Great photos!

  17. Wow, so cool!! What kind of rocks are those? I've never seen anything like them. I grew up in western NY state, and we went fossil-hunting in the shale formations - not fish but ancient things like trilobites. This looks like fun!


    Book By Book

  18. What a fabulous way to spend a day. The only fossil hunting I've ever done was around the Lyme Regis area in England. Seeing the 'ammonite graveyard' from millions of years ago, along Monmouth Beach, was a definite highlight of that holiday. Trying to get my head around such an enormous expanse of time helps put my little day to day concerns into perspective!

  19. I love fossils and fossil hunting! The year I graduated from college, my parents gave me a trip to work on a dinosaur dig in Montana. It was the neatest experience of my life. Would love to go do it again sometime.

  20. How interesting! The fossils are fascinating. I don't think we have anything like that here in Finland.


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