Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Marfa Bookstore

I'd never have expected a bookstore like this in Marfa, Texas, population 1,819.

Lots of comfortable reading spots.

The selection of books is sharply eclectic.
You'd never find these children's books in a typical bookstore.

A huge Texas themed collection.

And someone is fond of a certain reclusive Texas writer.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

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  1. What a fabulous little bookstore!

  2. What a great find! I love small, intimate bookstores like this one. They are few and far between, unfortunately!

  3. Looks like a museum rather than bookstore. I love the sitting area!

    1. There was also a huge section of Marfa-created art. Pottery, weaving, and more. It was lovely.

  4. Parece un lugar relajado y con una buena colección de libros para pasar una tarde muy entretenida..

  5. There's nothing I love more than browsing through small, independent bookstores. Looks like a fun one to explore.

  6. So cozy and light. Marvelous !
    Best, Synnöve

  7. O ja, da würde ich mich auch wohlfühlen, ein Paradies für Leseratten :-)
    Danke auch für deinen Besuch bei mir.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. I don't think I've ever seen a book shop quite like this... Love the comfy chair nook!

    1. It also had a whole table of very, very off-the-wall grownup books. I keep up with books, I think, but most of these titles were completely unfamiliar to me. I wish I'd taken a picture of those.

  9. If you want to stay in business today as a book store, you have to be unique, and this is unique!

    1. If you saw Marfa, you'd never guess such an amazing bookstore would exist here.

  10. There's nothing better than a great bookstore. This one looks like a treasure!

  11. I misread the heading. I thought it said Mafia Bookstore. I was intrigued. Tee-hee

  12. With such comfortable chairs, I would spend the whole day in that bookstore.

  13. How cool is that? You bought some books right? Obviously I'd never heard of Marfa Texas, so I googled it to see where it was and was surprised that the third google search term would be Marfa Texas Prada! Did you go? It looks fantastic, what a cool little town. Did you stay or were you passing through?

    1. Marfa is twenty miles from Alpine where I stayed this summer for the writers' retreat. Lots of wonderful art people around Marfa, including the Marfa Texas Prada.

  14. Looks like a great bookstore. Thx for putting Marfa on the map for me! I hadn't heard of it before


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