Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Most Amazing Fathers in Books (and Real Life)

I've been lucky enough to know some amazing fathers. I started out with an amazing dad that has become more and more amazing as he has grown older. Here he is on his 90th birthday last January:

What an amazing father my husband is! Here he is in one of my favorite photos of him while he is rock hunting in Utah:

How about fathers in books? Here are some of my favorite fathers in books:

To Kill a Mockingbird
A Wrinkle in Time
Anne of Green Gables
Little House on the Prairie
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
The Last Lecture
Life with Father
Cheaper by the Dozen
The Lightning Thief

Do you have favorite fathers in books?

Vote for your favorite fathers in books here at Goodreads.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!


  1. Great shots of your Dad and Grandad, did you have the fire brigade on standby with the 90 candle inferno cake (not even sure how you would get them all alight)

    My Top Ten Tuesday @ Engrossed in a good book

    1. It is very, very scary to have 90 candles going at once!

  2. I like the photos of your dad; 90 is impressive! I always like Pa in Laura Ingalls Wilder's books.

  3. Wonderful photos, 90 is worthy of a grand celebration! I have Pa on my list with Arthur Weasley, so many others that I didn't think of. Surprisingly this was way more difficult than I thought. My TTT link

    1. I wondered why it is so hard to think of dad's in books....

  4. What great photos of your dad and husband! :-) A lovely list!

  5. Great pictures and what a great list of books! Happy reading! :)

  6. Awwww I love that you included your dad and husband... how sweet!!

  7. It's so sweet that you included you dad and husband in this post! Atticus Finch really was a fantastic father, he's so humble and wise!

  8. Happy Father's Day to your Dad and Husband! Those are some classic favorites, I read Little House in the Big Woods over and over when I was a kid!

  9. Love the pics of your Dad and your hubby. Atticus Finch is probably my favorite literary father, although I loved Pa in the Little House books too.

  10. Great photos :) Love them and love the list of books!

  11. Love the pictures of your Dad and husband. Your husband looks so focused on his rock hunting! I've been lucky in my real life fathers as well. We have lots of overlap on our lists! I just reread Cheaper by the Dozen and I'm not sure there's a more memorable father than Frank Gilbreth!

  12. Thank for the Goodreads link! I'll definitely check that out and vote for my favorites.

    My TTT: http://books.thetechchef.net/top-ten-tuesday-29/


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