Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Series I've Been Meaning To Start But Haven't

I'm honestly not much of a series reader. When I worked as a librarian in a full PreK-6 school, I found I had to simply read book one in order to make a dent in all the series my students were wolfing down. I proudly made my way through all the Lord of the Rings books, the Harry Potters, The Give books, and the Hunger Games. But for every series I have completed, I have tens of great series that I haven't completed or even started. 

Here are some I wish I've started but haven't completed:

 Here are series I haven't even started:

Do you like series? What's the best series you ever read? Are there any of these I should read?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!


  1. The Selection series by Kierra Cass is a nice, and relatively lightly-written series.

  2. There are so many good YA series out there! I do love a series that grabs me and won't let go (Harry Potter is best, of course).

  3. Cinder is on my radar and I love that cover! I hope that you get around to reading all of the series on your list.

  4. I am the same way. I am sixth grade teacher and I read the first book in the series, but usually stop there so I can try other books for my students. I have not finished a lot of the series you have on your list. I recently read Cinder and have made it a goal to read the entire series because each book focuses on a new character and I can't wait to see what happens. Good luck and happy reading.

  5. A Wrinkle in Time and The Chronicles of Narnia were two of my favorite series when I was younger. I tore through the entire Selection series and loved it. The Lunar Chronicles is on my tbr list too.

  6. I read City of Bones years ago and I enjoyed it. Cinder is calling my name. Looks great. Anyway, awesome list. I'll check out the rest. :)

  7. I've read the Bartimaeus series and I love it. It's such a good series. Hope you'll like it too :)

  8. I really enjoyed The Lightening Thief, although have yet to get back to any of Riordan's other series completely, and I adored Stroud's Bartimaeus series as well as his Lockwood & Company series. I have so many YA books yet to start.

  9. Game of Thrones and the Narnia books I've read, but not the others. Some of them look pretty good though! I hear such good things about Terry Pratchett. And I've never read a Percy Jackson book!! Yikes.

  10. I read and loved the Percy Jackson series, but I've still to read any other Rick Riordan book. I did read and loved The Lunar Chronicles!

  11. I plan on starting the Percy Jackson series soon, and I am quite excited. I really enjoyed The Selection series. It's a really light, fluffy and fun read.

    The Chronicles of Narnia is still one of my favourite series, and I think you should definitely finish that one! Such beautiful stories.

    I am also a huge Shadowhunters fan. My boyfriend introduced the books to me when we first started dating, and we still read them and discuss them together today.

  12. There are so many fabulous books to choose from here! :-) I hope you love them when you get around to them. :-)

  13. Nice! Lots of new to me ones! Though I can say the Lunar Chronicles was amazing!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  14. I have all the Lunar Chronicles books (many are personally autographed from events I attended.), and yet, I have not started the series. I liked the Selection and am a Shadowhunters fan. I see a lot of my childhood favorites in your started section. Great list!
    Sam @ WLABB

  15. I don't read too many series, but I highly recommend the mystery series by Louise Penny: https://www.goodreads.com/series/42154-chief-inspector-armand-gamache
    Actually in audio, it's superb. Emma

    1. I don't read too many series either. Mysteries are hard for me to follow when I'm reading and even harder when I'm listening. I don't think of myself as ADHD, but....

  16. I am totally in love with The New Policeman cover - I can't believe I haven't seen it before. I loved Narnia, but read it years ago so am a little hazy on the later books.

  17. As a kid, I loved Narnia, Prydian Chronicles, Wrinkle in Time, and Anne, although I can't swear I read EVERY book in the latter two series. I liked the first two Bartimaeus books, but it's been so long since I read them that I don't want to start the third (and the first two are BIG so I don't really want to re-read). I love the entire Lunar Chronicles, but I firmly believe that it's fine to have just read one or two of Percy Jackson and Song of Ice and Fire, and that Pratchett can be such a glorious hit or cringing miss that it's okay to pick and choose. Also, I'd recommend a different Garth Nix series. Have you read Megan Whalen Turner's Thief series? I love them, and am re-reading the first four to prepare for the latest one.

  18. I adore the Perry Jackson books. They're light and fun and were perfect when I was in the middle of exam time because they weren't too heavy and easy to read. Plus I love the characters, especially in the Heroes of Olympus series. I've read Cinder and The Selection and I can't claim to be a fan of either (Cinder because I felt the writing was bland and showed rather than told / The Selection because I couldn't take it seriously). But I have read The Mortal Instruments series and I adored them. They were what introduced me to YA and although I might not love them so much if I read them now, they were still really fun!

  19. Ahhh, you absolutely must read The Amulet of Samarkand pronto! Bartimaeus is one of my all-time favorite protagonists :) I think my favorite series are Discworld and The Lord of the Rings.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

  20. The Percy Jackson books are so much fun! I've only read the first Lunar Chronicles and wasn't a huge fan but I've heard they get better.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/top-ten-tuesday-112/

  21. I admit I usually only read the first one in a series like Narnia and Anne of Green Gables as well as A Wrinkle in Time (I liked all three but didn't read more), but I did read all three of The Hunger Games books. Yikes.

  22. My Better Half is a big series reader; he's read twenty-something books in one Western series and has outlived the author. He keeps on reading the series as other writers have taken over. He may read that series to the end or to the end of him. Of your series books you haven't finished, I have finished The Chronicles of Narnia and have to say that some books are better than others.Also I have done quite a bit of reading on the friendship between Lewis and Toilken, author of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (another series I HAVE completed and liked the movies almost as well as the books) and have enjoyed Lewis's role as Toilken's biggest fan and best critic. Their friendship is discussed in a book I can't for the life of me remember the title of. Madeline L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time Trilogy is one of the best series I've ever read, and I would like to read every book she's ever written before I die. Again, some of her books are better than others.

    1. I really love the character of Meg in Wrinkle, and the lack of confused teen Meg front and center in the other L'Engle books is off putting.

  23. The Lunar Chronicles is SO GOOD! Hope you get to it! I need to read GoT!!!


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