Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Children's Picture Books You Need to Read if You Are Feeling Sad About Our World

Here's the book that inspired me this week:

Come With Me by Holly M. McGhee

The story is about a little girl who is upset by stories of hatred and violence on television. She asks her dad what she can do. Her father takes her for a walk. As the two walk along, they tip their hats to those they meet. And so the story goes on. Little things.

Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena

C. J. and his grandmother go every Sunday on the bus to help the world at a soup kitchen. C. J. questions why he has to do this instead of acquiring the things (an iPod, a car) his friends have. It's a lovely and thoughtful story that has won lots and lots of awards.

Mango, Abuela, and Me by Meg Medina

Abuela doesn't speak English and Mia, her granddaughter, doesn't speak Spanish. How can they ever find a way to connect?

The Three Lucys by Hayan Charara

Luli enjoys sitting each day with her three cats. When she and her family take a trip and return to the breakout of war in their homeland of Lebanon, Luli is saddened to be unable to find her cats. 

The Water Princess by Susan Verde

Every day Gie Gie must walk very far to get water to drink. She dreams of the day she will not have to do this.

Windows by Julia Denos

There is something so peaceful and calming about a story in which a child walks around the neighborhood and observes the small activities of people at the day's end.

Have you read something lately that gives you hope about our world?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists


  1. This is such a great list! I've read the last stop on market street and the water princess and loved both!

  2. I will definitely be looking into some of these books for my kids.

    Have a great week. - Katie

  3. I definitely need to read these books to get me through the hard times. Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. Hi, what a lovely post!! <3 My nephew would love a couple of these! Thanks for sharing!

    This week I twisted the topic and talked about why fall in love with characters... http://wp.me/p3LRfZ-5Wm

  5. Loved learning about these!


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