Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Baking Bread: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Everything In Between

My dad asked me, "When you retire, what are you going to do?"

Seriously? He thinks I'm going to be bored? Moi?

There are so many things I love to do in this life, and most of them, with my busy work schedule, I only can work on a few minutes here and there. One of the things I love to do is to bake bread. I also love to write blog posts about baking bread. 

And I love to read books about baking bread.





Armchair Foodie Travel Books

All-Time Favorite Foodie Narratives

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists


  1. I love a good bit of bread! I will literally eat it by itself, without spread or anything, it's just too good to ruin sometimes! Some these book covers are gorgeous as well! Great post :)

  2. Love your take on this! Although I've never made my own bread, my mother-in-law does and I look forward to visiting her every time because of that. :)

  3. BREAD IS SO FANTASTIC. I LOVE BREAD. It's also my favourite human emotion tbh. My family makes a lot of fresh bread and it's divine.😍

  4. I've never attempted a loaf of bread but I did make a cinnamon swirl wreath for Christmas once. It didn't turn out to bad, in my opinion but it took forever. I think that's put me off trying anything else, and I'm afraid of the proving process... Will it won't it rise! Lol.

    Great selection of fiction and non fiction :)

    Hope you get to do some baking soon
    Rachel @paein-and-ms4tune

  5. There is a book called In Memory of Bread about a man who loved making bread and beer who developed celiac disease and his attempts to cope. It is very good.
    I run a monthly link up for books about food. You are welcome to link up your post at http://www.spiritblog.net/october-2017-foodies-read. We have a monthly giveaway for books about food awarded by a draw from all the reviews posted.

  6. I’ve never attempted to make bread. For one reason: yeast intimidates me. It seems so tricky and impossible that I steer clear. I’m always impressed with those who can make bread well.

    I had no idea there were so many fiction books about bread!

  7. I love bread - it's one of my weaknesses. The cover of How to Bake the Perfect Life is awesome. Gotta be the dog!

  8. Making bread is so cathartic, I swear. The kneading, the punching, reaping the rewards at the end... :D A book I really enjoy (especially since the recipes all produce several loaves each) is Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. Has the best pizza dough recipe in it.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  9. How cute! I love making bread. It's so therapeutic!

  10. LOL - I actually Googled "books with bread on the covers" a couple hours ago! I was looking for novels and didn't come up with much. I love what you found because, like you, I LOVE bread. I don't have much luck with making it except quick breads, muffins, and rolls. I'll have to check out some of these cookbooks. Thanks for the recs!

  11. I love bread and it would kill me if I ever had to give it up! Plus the smell of baking bread...mmm. One of the good things in life. :)

    I kinda want to read Sourdough, I read his other book.

  12. My mom used to make bread when I was a kid. It was sooo good. Fresh bread is one of the best things ever.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. I love the smell of breaking bread, it reminds me of my childhood.

  14. I loved Bread Alone (as well as her other novels)!

    BTW, you will not be bored in retirement. If anything, you'll wonder how the time goes by so quickly each day! I thought I'd have more time to read, but all my other activities occupy my time. You know, like gazing out the window, watching the birds. Or walking along the bluff, watching the whales. Or sitting and listening to the rain on the roof. Slow living. I love it!

  15. I love to eat good bread. Maybe a little too much. Haha. I am not much of a baker though--or even a cook. The kitchen makes me grumpy. I like the look of your books though, especially the fiction ones.

    I don't think I'm the type who will be easily bored with retirement either. Think of all those projects I can finally get to!

    Have a great week, Deb!

  16. I can pass up sweets any day, just pass me more bread!


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