Saturday, November 2, 2019

Busy, Busy October

I've also been busy reading and reviewing Cybils picture books. Here are the books I've read and reviewed in October:

Sea Glass SummerHouts, Michelle*
The Forever SkyPeacock, Thomas
Bird CountRichmond, Susan Edwards
The Great IndoorsFalatko, Julie*
Diana DancesLozano, Luciano
There's Only One YouHeling, Kathryn
Aunt PearlKulling, Monica*
The Book of Delights: EssaysGay, Ross
A Boy Like YouMurphy, Frank
Big and Little: A Story of OppositesPilgrim, Cheryl*
Badger's Perfect GardenArnold, Marsha Diane*
Lawrence in the FallFarina, Matthew
Linus The Little Yellow PencilMagoon, Scott*
BirdsongFlett, Julie
The Girl and the WolfVermette, Katherena
How to Read a BookAlexander, Kwame
What Is Given from the HeartMcKissack, Patricia C.
Small in the CitySmith, Sydney
SweetyZuill, Andrea
Bruce's Big StormHiggins, Ryan T.*
Camp TigerChoi, Susan
OgilvyUnderwood, Deborah*
A Kite for MoonYolen, Jane*
Ten Rules of the Birthday WishFerry, Beth
Duckworth, the Difficult ChildSussman, Michael B.*
Not Quite Snow WhiteFranklin, Ashley*
Max AttacksAppelt, Kathi*
The ScarecrowFerry, Beth
The King of KindergartenBarnes, Derrick
The Moon's First Friends: How the Moon Met the Astronauts from Apollo 11Hill, Susanna Leonard*
DandyDyckman, Ame*
Bear Came AlongMorris, Richard T.
Once Upon a GoatRichards, Dan*
Rocket Says Look Up!Bryon, Nathan
Just Read!Degman, Lori*
My Name Is Wakawakaloch!Stiefel, Chana*
Zombies Don't Eat Veggies!Lacera, Jorge
The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard FuneralLucianovic, Stephanie V.W.*
This Beach Is Loud!Cotterill, Samantha
BabymoonBarrett, Hayley*
The Pigeon Has to Go to SchoolWillems, Mo
Say SomethingReynolds, Peter H.
Little TigerAbery, Julie
The UndefeatedAlexander, Kwame
When You Are BraveMiller, Pat Zietlow*
When Sadness Is at Your DoorEland, Eva
A Stone Sat StillWenzel, Brendan
Give Me Back My Bones!Norman, Kim*
The Many Colors of Harpreet SinghKelkar, Supriya*
Cece Loves Science and Adventure(Cece Loves Science, #2)Derting, Kimberly*
Baby Loves Green Energy!Spiro, Ruth*
BecauseWillems, Mo
Hair LoveCherry, Matthew A.
Papa Put a Man on the MoonDempsey, Kristy*
Peek-A-BruceHiggins, Ryan T.*
Future AstronautAlexander, Lori*
The Good EggJohn, Jory
The Whole Wide World and MeYuly, Toni
Music for Mister MoonStead, Philip C.
SulweNyong’o, Lupita

 I'm reading How Your Story Sets You Free, The Art of Noticing, and Writing Down the Bones.

October is always my most bookish month, with the Cybils, Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon, and the Texas Book Festival. This year, the readathon was the same day as the book festival, so that was a bit of a challenge, but it all worked out just fine.

My Texas Book Festival post will go live a week from Wednesday here.

My Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon post is here.

I have found all the books I could find (over one hundred) at the library for the Cybils, and now I'm waiting for publishers to send copies of those I couldn't.

I'll be posting about hearing author and journalist Ta-nehesi Coates speak in Houston on Wednesday here.

We had a wonderful time at my granddaughter Annie's fourth birthday party in Kemah. Her Aunt Susie and I took a selfie with Annie when we rode the train, and my daughter-in-law snapped this picture of me on the merry-go-round. So much fun.

What was your week like?

Did you read any good books? Tell us about them.

What other bookish things did you do? 

What else is going on in your life?

We'd love to have you to link up here and/or at the Sunday Salon page on Facebook each weekend (Saturday-Sunday-Monday) and let us know what you have been doing. I hope you will visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 


  1. Wow, October was a fabulous month in books for you! I loved The Body and thought Heartland was just okay. The birthday party sounds fun!

    1. I was disappointed with Heartland. It reminded me of Maid. Just my humble opinion, but that family had too much to be poor and they were the cause of much of their problems. JMHO, again.

  2. You had an amazing month. Enjoy November, and thanks for sharing.

  3. Interesting that you wrote merry-go-round, I use that too. But find most people say carousel.

    1. Interesting. I’ve used carousel but around here we usually say merry-go-round.

  4. What a fantastic start to NonFicNov! I feel like I’m behind all ready.
    What delightful photo’s :)

    Have a great reading week

  5. You had a great month! Annie is adorable! Have a great week!

  6. You have been so busy! And those photos are pure joy!

  7. I have not read any of these. But glad someone's got them covered:) Glad you're hitting up the nonfic. Bill Bryson is a fav of mine.

  8. I am purposely not looking at the books in my Cybils category (I am judging round 2) so that I am surprised when the finals list comes to me. You're are going to be busy reading all those picture books!

  9. You are one busy woman! Have a great week!!

    1. My dad warned me that things really got crazy when you retire.

  10. I read Writing Down the Bones in the first college English class I ever took. I revisit it every-so-often. Probably about time to dig it out again.

    1. This version has the author commenting on her own book. Interesting.

  11. Oh my goodness! WHAT a lot of books you read... I wouldn't mind - but I know you do 101 things besides reading as well:)). Thank you for sharing the pics of you on the merry-go-round. I knew you must have a lovely, smiling face given your enthusiastic attitude to life - and I was right! Have a great week, Deb:)

  12. Wow, it looks like you had a great reading month! I've heard good things about Bill Bryson but I haven't read any of his books up till now. I hope you'll enjoy non-fiction November!

    Have a wonderful week!

  13. What a month - so many great books and activities! Both The Body and Heartland are on my list of NF November possibilities. We'll see if I can get them. Have a good week :)

  14. Darling photo of you on the merry-go-round! I'm thinking about getting The Body for my husband for Christmas. He always enjoys Bill Bryson's books.

    1. If he likes Bryson’s work, he will love this new book.

  15. Glad you had a wonderful time at your granddaughter's birthday party!

  16. You've been busy with reading for the Cybils.

  17. Love the picture of you on the merry-go-round. Such fun! Your reading pace has been amazing. Wish I could do half as much!

  18. I love Bill Bryson's books, have this new one on my list! And love your Goodreads review. What a month you've had with all those picture books!

  19. I hope you are enjoying your Cybil reading! And it looks like you have gotten off to a good start with Nonfiction November. Happy birthday to Annie! You all look so happy. I love the photo of you on the carousel. I hope you have a great week, Deb!

  20. Wow! What a reading month! You are doing so well with those for the Cybils. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  21. Oh my goodness, so many books! It looks like your granddaughter's birthday party was lots of fun as well. Have a great week!

  22. Oh my gosh, I love the photo with your granddaughter but I LOVE, LOVE that photo of you on the merry-go-round. How joyful is that?!

    You have some really interesting non-fiction books lined up for November. A friend of mine loves Bill Bryson, but I've never tried him out so I think it's time I do. Have a great week!

    1. You would definitely enjoy Bill Bryson. I love his book about Nearly Everything also.

  23. Wow, I love the idea of making a month-long list of all my reading each month. I've just never thought to do it, before. And you sure had some great ones! I'm tremendously grateful to all our Cybil's judges -- but you first rounders sure do have a lot of reading to complete. Thank you for all the effort, Deb! Love the photos, too!

    1. Yes, I hope that I can get all of the 222 Cybils picture books read.

  24. Congratulations on all those picture books! I am a finalist judge in the graphic novel category. While I read many of the nominated books, I just can't imagine trying to get to all of them! I've noted these nonfiction titles because my bookclub focuses mainly on nonfiction.

    1. Maybe you will want to join in for Nonfiction November.

  25. Aw, bless! HAppy birthday to your granddaughter! I love carousels.
    The amount of books you have read/are going to read for the Cybils is impressive! Good luck with them all!

  26. What a fun wrap up to October, and what fun things to come!
    That's you, Debbie--my fun friend.


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