Friday, June 14, 2024

Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy

Today's Featured Book 

Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy

Genre: Fiction

Published: May 7, 2024

Page Count: 198 pages


"Following the loss of her husband and son, Helen Cartwright returns to the village of her childhood after living abroad for six decades. Her only wish is to die quickly and without fuss. She retreats into her home on Westminster Crescent, becoming a creature of routine and habit: 'Each day was an impersonation of the one before with only a slight shuffle—as though even for death there is a queue.'

Then, one cold winter night, a chance encounter with a mouse sets Helen on a surprising journey."


BOOK BEGINNINGS ON FRIDAY is hosted by Rose City ReaderWhat book are you happy about reading this week? Please share the opening sentence (or so) on BOOK BEGINNINGS ON FRIDAY! Add the link to your blog or social media post and visit other blogs to see what others are reading.

Happy Friday and welcome to the FIRST LINE FRIDAY, hosted by Reading is My Superpower! It’s time to grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line.

"Helen Cartwright was old with her life broken in ways she could not have foreseen."

THE FRIDAY 56 is hosted by 
Freda's Voice, but Freda is currently taking a break and Anne of Head Full of Books is filling in. To play, open a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% on your e-reader). Find a sentence or two and post them, along with the book title and author. Then link up on Head Full of Books and visit others in the linky. 

"Helen leans in, scanning the ground for a small, torn body, or evidence of a struggle. It is quite possible the cat has taken it whole, to be dropped later in a soft, stiff heap where the cat’s owner will see it. An act of love made possible by an act of violence."

My thoughts: Sipsworth was just the right book at just the right time with just the right characters for me today. Sipsworth's main character is an old woman, Helen, who feels like her time is over. But maybe she still has a little more to do?

The purpose of THE BOOK BLOGGER HOP is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, and befriend other bloggers. THE BOOK BLOGGER HOP is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer  

June 14th-20th - What's your go-to book to start the summer, and why does it set the tone for the season? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

I'm working hard to read Madame Bovary in French this summer. So far, I have managed to read only 12 of the 359 pages. But I am not giving up until I get to the end!

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