Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Sunday Salon: A Butterfly 'Zine; Zorba the Greek; and My Eight-Year-Old Granddaughter Sells a Painting


Welcome! I'm happy you joined us here at the Sunday Salon. What is the Sunday Salon? The Sunday Salon is a place to link up and share what we have been doing during the week plus it's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

What I Read Last Week:

Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Ozathon; Book #8)

edited by Eric Maisel (Writing)

by Gladys McGarey (Happiness)

by A. J. Jacobs (Nonfiction)

What I'm Reading Now:

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (in French)

How the Mountains Grew by John Dvorak (Naturalist Group Book Club)

Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens (1000 Books)

Virgil Wander by Leif Enger (Fiction)

Sipsworth by Brian Van Booy (Fiction)

An essay you might like to read:

from The Yale Review

"Writing book reviews today is a vocation, not a career. It’s for people who still believe, against all practicality, that a life organized around lit­erature is worth more than a life organized around money."

What I Posted Last Week Here at Readerbuzz:

I read the book, so I had to watch the movie,
even if it meant that I had to buy a copy on Etsy.

Zorba the Greek is a thoughtful character portrait
of two very different men who become friends
told against a harsh backdrop of life in rural poverty.

I began to list 3 Good Things every day during the pandemic. Now I've established a regular routine of writing down my 3 Good Things. Here are 3 Good Things from last week:

Good Thing #1:

My granddaughter, Annie, 8,
sold one of her paintings,
at a farmer's market
for $50.

Good Thing #2:

We celebrated an early Father's Day meal
with my siblings, their spouses, and
my 97-year-old dad this week.
Happy Father's Day to all dads!

Good Thing #3:

I made my first 'zine for
our naturalist group 
Advanced Training Day
on Saturday.

Weekend linkup spots are listed below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


I hope you will join the linkup for Sunday Salon below.


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