Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Sunday Salon: Off to Waco to Visit My Sister



I'm happy you joined us here at the 
Sunday Salon. Welcome!

What is the Sunday Salon? The Sunday Salon is a place to link up and share what we have been doing during the week plus it's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

My sister and her husband retired and moved to Waco, Texas last year. I miss so much having her just down the road. We are delighted to spend next week with Cathy and her husband in their new home there!

What I Read Last Week:

Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos written and illustrated by Robert Lawson (Children's Historical Fiction)

What I'm Reading Now:

The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde (Fiction)

That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America by Amanda Jones (Memoir)

The Algebra of Happiness: Notes on the pursuit of Success, Love, and Meaning by Scott Galloway (Happiness)

What I Posted Last Week Here at Readerbuzz:

I've been reading about and thinking about and writing about happiness for a long time. I enjoy hearing the speakers on various topics about happiness who are featured on Action for Happiness. It was Arthur C. Brooks who spoke last week on happiness. Brooks is the author of a book, Love Your Enemies (my review), that really got me thinking about happiness about five years ago. I've shared this video here, and you might like to look at other Action for Happiness videos here

I began to list 3 Good Things every day during the pandemic. Now I've established a regular routine of writing down my 3 Good Things. Here are 3 Good Things from last week:

Good Thing #1:

How I feel when I read.

Good Thing #2:

A retired librarian friend's fortune this week.

Good Thing #3:

Baby Jack, my newest great-nephew!

Weekend linkup spots are listed below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


I hope you will join the linkup for Sunday Salon below.

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