Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ciao, Friends

No, we are not there yet, but we leave this week. I'm wildly and imperfectly trying to pack and bring all my library things home from school and get things ready here, so I won't be around the blogosphere much today or in upcoming days, but I promise to visit everyone who stops in at Readerbuzz in my absence when I return.

In lieu of new posts, I'll be posting 2017 and 2016 BookExpo for the next two weeks. I have never posted them on my blog, so I thought it would be fun to run them here while I'm off in Italy.

Ciao, friends. Arrivaderci.


  1. Have a FANTASTIC trip! I look forward to hearing all about it when you return :)

  2. Have a wonderful and safe trip and I can't wait to see photos and hear stories. While you're in Italy, I'll be in the UK.

  3. Hope you guys have a fabulous trip! And we'll see you on the flipside. Look forward to your posts from BookExpo in previous years.

  4. Have a wonderful trip! How exciting!

  5. Have a wonderful time. How could you not?

  6. Have a great trip! (I'm jealous, I would love to go back to Italy!!)

  7. I'm quite envious and hope you have a lovely trip!! Looking forward to all the photos when you return. Safe travels, Deb!


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