Monday, May 28, 2018

LIVE FROM BOOK EXPO 2017: I'm Here at Book Expo, and It's a Book Lover's Paradise

For the last two years, I have been privileged to serve as an onsite correspondent for Armchair BookExpo. I've gone to Chicago and New York. I've met oodles and oodles of authors and I've seen oodles and oodles of wonderful new books.

For a variety of reasons, Armchair BookExpo is no more.

And for one (HUGE!) reason, I am not at BookExpo this year....I am in Italy celebrating the the retirement of my husband and me as well as our 40th wedding anniversary.

But there's no reason I can't visit Italy and go to BookExpo at the same time....isn't that the wonder of the written word?

So let’s take a look back at my past visits to BookExpo. Let's start with the 2016 BookExpo, held in Chicago:

LIVE FROM BOOK EXPO: I'm Here at Book Expo, and It's a Book Lover's Paradise

Hi, everyone! I'm Deb Nance and you will usually find me typing away at my little blog, Readerbuzz.

But this week I am living every book fantatic's dream: I am at Book Expo in New York City.

Last year was my first time to visit Book Expo. It was held in Chicago. I loved it, but people told me, "Just wait. It's even more amazing when it is held on its home stomping ground, NYC."

They were right.

Today I walked around the Javits Convention Center and looked at book ads.

There were ads everywhere. And they were all for books.

I felt like I was in an alternate universe.

It was crazy.

Ads on the door when you walk in.

Book ads on the billboard just outside the convention center.

How about this?! Ads for books on the stairs!

 'We want every kid to say, "Please give me another book!"' Oh, man, do we ever!

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