For a variety of reasons, Armchair BookExpo is no more.
And for one (HUGE!) reason, I am not at BookExpo this year....I am in Italy celebrating the the retirement of my husband and me as well as our 40th wedding anniversary.
But there's no reason I can't visit Italy and go to BookExpo at the same time....isn't that the wonder of the written word?
So let’s take a look back at my past visits to BookExpo. Let's start with the 2016 BookExpo, held in Chicago:
Deb from Readerbuzz brings us more content and pictures from the BEA floor today!
The woman laughed, and pointed to where the line broke, picked back up on the other side of the aisle, curved, broke again, resumed, broke again, and curved around the corner.
I hustled to the end. I don't stand in lines. But this was Mo Willems.
"And you are the lucky last-person-in-line," the publicist told me. "You just made the cut."
I got to spend a delightful hour in line talking to a first-time author and an independent publishing consultant. They both had seven-year-olds. Do I really need to say anything more about why they were willing to wait in a long line for the latest Mo.
I rounded the corner and...oh, be still my heart, there he was.
Mo Willems in the flesh.
I don't wait in lines, and I don't take my photo with authors. But this was Mo Willems.
Oh my goodness. It was a Mo morning. (Happy!)
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