For a variety of reasons, Armchair BookExpo is no more.
And for one (HUGE!) reason, I am not at BookExpo this year....I am in Italy celebrating the the retirement of my husband and me as well as our 40th wedding anniversary.
But there's no reason I can't visit Italy and go to BookExpo at the same time....isn't that the wonder of the written word?
So let’s take a look back at my past visits to BookExpo. Let's go to the 2017 BookExpo, held in New York City:
Deb Nance from Readerbuzz here at BookExpo again!
Publishers and authors use all kinds of enticements at BookExpo to tempt us into taking a second glance at what they have to offer. Here are a few I saw today.
I wasn't expecting to see a bride.
This publisher was giving away a huge wooden puzzle of the Empire State Building.
Who could resist the little zen garden and a place to relax a bit at the Sounds True booth?
The iron man offered a huge sword as well as the double-headed battle axe for passer-bys to try.
Ah, this was fun. You could choose the button you think best reflects the reason you are a book nerd.
I chose two: "For vacation, I pack more books than shoes," and
"My emotional state is dictated by what I'm reading."
Lots of random book characters, like Olivia here, that you just can't resist posing with.
What? I feel like I'm back home in Texas! It's a mariachi band to celebrate Matt de la Pena's new book, Miguel and the Grand Harmony.
When in doubt, food always wins. I loved this cookie to celebrate the ten year anniversary of the publication of Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian.
Whew! I had a fabulous day today. I'm beat. See you tomorrow!
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