Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Chapter Book Club Picnic

One of the last events of the school year is our Chapter Book Club Picnic.

It's an important milestone for children at my PreK-Grade 2 school to move from picture books to the lengthier text of a chapter book. To encourage them to give it a try, we have a Chapter Book Club. To join, you read a chapter book and write a little about it on a bookmark. To encourage them further, we offer our Chapter Book Club Picnic for everyone who reads at least ten chapter books.

I am very proud of all these Chapter Book Club readers.

Here are the first graders who read at least ten chapter books this year:

 And here are the second graders who read at least ten chapter books:

It was a beautiful day, and we loved spending time together outside, enjoying our lunches, playing on the playground, and eating my prize-winning* Best Chocolate Chip Cookies ever. The recipe is my own, and it was created after thirty years of chocolate chip cookie making and eating research. I wish I could share it with you, but I will say that it contains a secret ingredient.

It takes a while to make enough Best Chocolate Chip Cookies for all those Chapter Book Club readers.

The Chapter Book Club Picnic is one of the (many) things I will miss now that I am retired.

*My top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe won second prize at my local Wal-Mart in 1989.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. I wana chocolate chip cookie, think that one that looks like a camera might be a bit tough though. No wonder the kids enjoy the books with cookies to look forward to

    1. These cookies are amazing. I wish I could share the recipe.

  2. That looks like fun! I'm wondering what your secret ingredient is - maybe pepper?

  3. Wow! Look how many kids participate and meet the challenge of 10 chapter books. Well done to them and to you for your encouragement. I'm wondering about the secret ingredient too - I'll guess cinnamon or maybe vinegar. How's that for two ends of the spectrum? LOL

  4. Sound like a big mile stone. I know there wasn't no chapter book club when I was young. Amy how there wasn't no calculator either.
    Coffee is on

  5. Wonderful event and a great way to encourage new readers! I'm also curious about your recipe for the cookies. I tried a new one last week and my husband loved them, but I prefer something a less flat and chewy, but not too cakey.

  6. I love this idea!!! I really miss summer reading clubs. Last year my library implemented an Adult summer reading club but it didn't go over too well.

  7. What an accomplishment. I am so proud of your kiddos, but even prouder of you! Congratulations!

  8. What a wonderful idea to have a chapter book picnic! I love it. And, um, why is the recipe top secret? They look delicious.

  9. What a wonderful way to encourage children to read!!

  10. What a great event -- maybe they'll let you attend in the future even though you're retired.

  11. I love this so much!! What a fun way to celebrate reading!! Maybe you can still offer to take part now that you're retired. ?? Beth of Beth's Book-Nook Blog

  12. What a great idea to keep kids reading! I think I might suggest this for my kids' school!

  13. Oh, yum!! I love that you made all those cookies for your students - and they look delicious! Wonderful idea to encourage kids to take the next step with their reading.

    Have a great week!


    2018 Big Book Summer Challenge


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