Thursday, June 7, 2018

LIVE FROM BOOK EXPO 2017: A Picnic with Author Jane Green

For the last two years, I have been privileged to serve as an onsite correspondent for Armchair BookExpo. I've gone to Chicago and New York. I've met oodles and oodles of authors and I've seen oodles and oodles of wonderful new books.

For a variety of reasons*, Armchair BookExpo is no more.

So let’s take a look back at last year’s BookExpo:

LIVE FROM BOOK EXPO: A Picnic with Author Jane Green

It's early summer in New York City today. The weather is idyllic, low 70's, sunny. And we have been invited to a picnic. Invited by author Jane Green

Yes, that is me, Deb Nance, taking a photo with the beautiful Jane Green.

It was a delicious lunch, with Jane Green lunch sacks, fruits, and a salad in a jar. Plus a tart made by Jane Green herself.

And we each received a copy of Jane's brand-spanking new book, The Sunshine Sisters. Doesn't this look like the perfect summer read?

It was great fun to enjoy the New York sun and chat about books with others.

Happily, it was also an opportunity for us four book bloggers to meet up! From left to right, Sheila DeChantal from Book Journey; Candace Levy at Beth Fish Reads; Stacy Millican from The Novel Life; and Deb Nance at Readerbuzz.

What a wonderful day!

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