Saturday, June 6, 2020

Looking for Light in a Dark World...What's Keeping You Going?

I'm looking for light, and I'm trying to find ways to take positive actions. In dark times, I look for hope, for love, for creativity. 

My son shared the hope he felt when he saw the large number of young people protesting in the streets of Chicago. He felt hope when he saw many volunteering to clean up after looters broke into the businesses below his apartment in downtown Chicago. I feel hope when I see my daughter-in-law going to work as a reporter each day, despite the coronavirus, and trying her best to talk to knowledgable people and share factual and objective information about the things going on around us. 

I read stories about people who were robbed of their possessions, demeaned, shunned, and sent to concentration camps, many to their deaths, and I read about one girl who survived the camps and set about rebuilding her life and who ultimately goes into a profession where she has helped many people who have had deeply traumatic situations in their own lives. I read about Frances Perkins who witnessed the devastating fire at the Triangle Waist Factory and found her life's work in making the lives of workers better with shorter workweeks, minimum wages, and the establishment of Social Security. I read stories of people who suffered the loss of loved ones, rape, and other terrible actions at the hands of others, and I listened as the people told how they came to forgive others over time for these terrible actions. 

Hope. Creativity. Love. These are the tools I want to use to fight the darkness of our day. 

What is giving you hope now? 

War and Peace
 by Leo Tolstoy
Devotions by Mary Oliver
50 Ways to Draw Your Beautiful Ordinary Life: Practical Lessons in Pencil and Paper
A Bad Birdwatcher's Companion by Simon Barnes
The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter

When I am confused and upset, it is often to children's authors that I look. It's Jason Reynolds I went to this week. Here he and his fellow author Brendan Kiely share ideas on how to speak to kids about racism. There is something here for all of us, I think.

Mister Rogers always gives me hope, too.


Good Thing #1: We had an outdoor, 6-feet-away visit with my dad and his sweet wife, Rosa, this week. Three and a half hours to talk, and it still wasn't enough. But it was something.

Good Thing #2: We are going to visit with my son and his wife and our two grandkids this weekend. 

Good Thing #3: I made a list of quotes to remember when I start feeling bleak. Here are a couple of my favorites:

I thank you for your posts, your comments, your friendship.

What is keeping you going today?

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Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

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  1. Such inspiring and meaningful thoughts you shared here, Deb. A very rough week for all. I feel that I have much to think about and ponder in upcoming days. And history and stories of people who lived through dire situations and trials are good to help with understanding humans and how we've treated each other in the past and how we should aspire to greater things in the future. We're all human beings. God made us each and every one. I love your quotes and am so happy that you got to see family. Take care!

    1. Thank you, Kay. It helps me so much to talk with my blogging friends and to read through some issues.

  2. Thank you so much for the videos and quotes. It does feel like a dark place right now and I hope more people can open their minds. Unfortunately, I'm still dealing with people not willing to open even one ear because of the 'violence'. I'm struggling with how to deal with that :( I'm so glad that you are getting to see family!! Those types of visits are next on our calendar too. Happy reading!

    1. We have to keep trying to do better and keep talking and writing and reading about ways to do so, I think.

  3. I think you've hit the nail on the head: we need to find things to be positive about right now while not ignoring the trauma that is happening. We are headed to Lotusland, an extravagant public garden, today and that will be really fun and relaxing.

  4. Maybe a tennis hit today will keep me going. The week of news was really rough. There's a vacuum of leadership at the top but we need to make that change. The Anne Frank diary is an amazing book and is dear to me. Trying to keep positive is a good guide. Young people peacefully protesting ... can be a hopeful thing. I heard Obama's reaction this week and that gave me some good things to think about.

    1. Our leadership here is distressing. Fortunately, others have stepped forward when elected leaders have failed.

  5. I keep having to tell myself that things are alright right now because things in my life just keep getting worst and so I don't have a lot keeping me going right now.

  6. Beautiful post Deb, so much of what you wrote resonated with me. I have so many emotions that are difficult to express right now.

    Glad you will get a visit in with the little ones. I get to see 2 of mine on Monday with lunch in the yard (no hugs, just smiles).

    1. I knew we were taking a few risks when we went yesterday to see our grandkids. You can't tell a one-year-old to keep six feet away, and we knew that. But we also knew we couldn't stay away forever. I hope you have a lovely time with your little ones. I hope you'll share this time with them with us.

  7. Hope, creativity and love. Yes. That is what will get us through this time. Right now. In this moment. Thank you for sharing the videos. Humility, intimacy and gratitude. That is good advice. I'm walking away from your post with two three word sets to hold onto. :-)

    That's great that you were able to visit with family, especially your grandkids. I know my mom is missing us. I'm not sure when she'll be down for a visit, but I imagine it will still be a while yet. I hope you have a good week, Deb. Thank you again!

    1. I've heard Jason Reynolds speak several times now, including one time in person, and he was an inspiring speaker. I'm trying to hold on to all of these positive words and keep holding on to them when I face difficult people.

  8. We had two peaceful protests yesterday, no looting.

    Diary of Anne Frank, a favourite always, I'm not sure I would have been so brave.
    Funny, I just finished a book that included the Triangle Factory fire as part of its plot.

    1. I took away lots of inspiration from the book about Frances Perkins.

  9. I am glad you got to visit with family...a few minutes or hours can make all the difference in these troubled times.

    I love your quotes. I especially love the Michelle Obama one, something we need right now!

    Enjoy your week and your books.

    1. I spent several hours writing down all the quotes in my journal this week. I intend to write them again and again as needed.

  10. Mr. Rogers was the show back in the day. Lovely to see the book tower. I should make a tower of my own soon. it sounds so fun to showcase a book collection and now I have the time.

  11. I wish I had taken a photo of the first day at my school in Pearland. I knew the racial makeup of the school was almost exactly 25%, 25%, 25%, and 25%, but I was so heartened to see the first four children into the school, one from each of the four groups, walking hand in hand on that first day of school, laughing and talking together, so happy to see each other. I wish I'd taken a photo.

  12. Your shafts of lightness are inspirational - as is your reading list this week, Deb. You are one of those people who always manage to make a bad situation better by your amazing attitude. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I find myself so dispirited these days, and I know that is not useful to anyone. All I can do is look for light.

  13. I try to find positive things during this period as well.
    I happy to see you got to visit your family! I wish I could as well!
    Have a good week!

  14. wonderful post. thanks for sharing

  15. Thanks for your message of hope. Your books on drawing and birding sound really good!

    1. I have been completely wrapped up in drawing and birding in the past few months.

  16. Beautiful post, Deb! It's so hard for me to put my feelings into words, but you said it so beautifully. Take care.

  17. I always find quotes help me feel better! It's amazing how Mr. Rogers has such a calming peaceful influence on everyone. It's wonderful that you could visit with some family. We are snowbirds and hadn't seen our kids in 6 months- we saw my older son and his family 2 days ago and despite having to keep our distance, it was great!

    1. Mister Rogers seems to calm children and adults alike.

  18. Thank you for the positive messages of hope here. And thank you for visiting my blog with suggested titles of books on social justice. I knew you would know some good one for the littlest folks. How is your cough? Are you all well?

    1. I'm almost well. My cough kicks back in when I do a lot of talking.

  19. For me, the first couple months were okay. We adapted, adjusted, and thrived. But now that the immediate needs are taken care of, I'm beginning to feel the weight of this whole tragedy. It started with the virus and then the recent killing - how no matter what, there's still so much cruelty and pain outside. That got me thinking of the world that is and could be and things got depressing very quickly after that. I need to remember to breathe and check out good happy thoughts from the internet. Cheering for you too!

  20. I remember reading Anne Frank's diary as a teenager. So powerful. I enjoyed Mr. Roger's message of hope. It's true that when we see helpers it gives us hope. I see my colleagues every day going into work with a smile as they take care of seniors in their care. I start every day reading one Bible chapter and meditating on it. At the end of my day I write in my gratitude journal. This is what keeps me hopeful. Enjoy your reading week!

    1. Those are wonderful ways to renew our spirits, Laura.

  21. Your reflections on our time are very meaningful. Your son sounds very generous to help his neighbors. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    be well... mae at

  22. So glad you got to see your dad and that you get to see your son and grandkids next weekend!

    What gives me hope...well, I'm very hopeful that maybe NOW, finally, some things will start changing in this country???? For the better??? I don't want to get all political on your blog so I will just leave it at that.

  23. My son gives me hope. He always sees the light in dark times and gives me strength. And these are dark times.

    1. I'm glad your son is a light. We all need people like that.

  24. I’m glad you were able to spend time with family.
    Love, hope, creativity ... all things the world needs more of.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  25. Such trying times. I've been reading to learn more and reading to escape. I need that balance.

  26. I am glad you are looking for the light - it so difficult these days. And your good things are truly good things! :) I try to do the same, find the light, look for the positives while I learn more about what I can do.

  27. I’m glad you got to visit with your dad and his wife. I love your quotes. What giving me hope is finding ways to help without donating money (because I don’t have a lot of that). I’m glad that people are making YouTube videos and donating the ad revenue to charity. I can definitely watch ads! I hope you have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. You should definitely share ways to help without donating money.

  28. My good thing is having raised good kids so we're able to enjoy being locked in with each other. LOL And I like your Michelle Obama quote. I miss seeing them in an official capacity regularly ;) Enjoy your week!

  29. Your blog, your ideas, your encouragement, and your inspiration help keep me going.

  30. Love those quotes and the videos you shared as well - hope is always needed; and I thought you re-read Anne Frank until I saw your GoodReads review :) One of my all time favorite reads (and rereads) too.

    1. Crazy that I just got around to reading it now. Glad I did.

  31. Thank you for the round up of quotes and also this line in your opening... 'Hope. Creativity. Love. These are the tools I want to use to fight the darkness of our day.'

  32. It's easy to get down in these dark days. Sometimes your posts are the light and inspiration I'm searching for.

  33. Thank you for sharing such an uplifting post. I love the quotes you shared and try to stay optimistic during these difficult times, reading and learning, talking and sharing...

    I am thrilled that you were able to spend so much time visiting with your dad and stepmom. What a treat for them, too! And you got to see your "grandbabies." How wonderful! I hope those visits sustain you in the coming weeks. I sure am missing my granddaughter, who won't be visiting this summer. This is the first year without her in 18 years! :( Thank goodness for Zoom chats!

    Be well. Stay safe. xoxo


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