Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday Turns 10! Celebrating 463 Top Ten Lists on Readerbuzz

Looking back through my past posts, I learn that (apparently) I missed the first nine prompts for Top Ten. But after that, I rarely missed a week. 

To celebrate ten years of Top Ten Tuesday, I've spent hours and hours and hours looking through my old Top Ten Tuesday posts. I've created a list of the Top Ten Topics on Top Ten Tuesdays and I've sorted (most of) my past posts accordingly.


Top Ten Seasonal/Annual Lists

and 85 more seasonal/yearly lists like this...

Top Ten Lists of Various Genres

Top Ten Favorite Love Stories in Books

Top Ten Favorite Books-about-Books

Top Ten Lists about Authors

Top Ten Favorite Authors

Top Ten Authors That Deserve More Recognition

Top Ten Lists about Characters

Top Ten Villains and Criminals and Other Sorts of Bad Guys

Top Ten Characters I'd Name My Children After

Top Ten Lists of Words, First Lines, Titles, and Book Quotes

Top Ten Lists about Books You Might Have Overlooked

Books I Feel As Though Everyone Has Read But Me

Top Ten Lists of Books That Could Be Difficult to Read

Top Ten Lists of Surprising Books

Top Ten Lists of Books-to-Movies

Top Ten Lists About Books in a Series

Top Ten Lists of Children's Books

The First Books I Had on My Bookshelf

Books from My Childhood I'd Love to Revisit

Top Ten Books I Wish I'd Read as a Kid

Top Ten Lists You Shouldn't Bother Reading Because My Answer Was Basically "None" 

Top Ten Books I Want To Reread

Top Ten Lists of Paris Books

Top Ten Books That Take Place in Paris

Most Hyped Books about Paris I Haven't Yet Read

Last Ten Books about Paris I Acquired: What to Read? What to Read?

French Books I've Enjoyed That You Might Have Missed

Top French-ish Things I Love

Ten Great Books Set in Paris

Ten French-ish Things Reading French-ish Books Have Led Me To Do

Books That Could Use a Little More...Paris

My Favorite Posts from the Past About France

Books with Eiffel Towers on the Cover: A Where's Waldo Adventure

Children's Books Set in Paris: Books I Haven't Read Yet

Des Livres Courts Sur Paris Qui Sont Babuleux (Short Books About Paris That Are Fabulous)

Books That Take Me Straight into the World of Paris

Favorite French Stories from Childhood

Wonderful French Book Characters

I Can't Resist Buying Books With French Things on the Cover

My Favorite Settings in Paris

Paris + Food: A Love Story

Top Ten Lists about Blogging

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Book Blogger and a Bookish Person

Top Ten Blogs/Sites You Read That AREN'T about Books

Top Ten Lists of Book Settings

Top Ten Lists Where I Geek Out About Book-ish Things

Miscellaneous Top Ten Lists

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each Tuesday That Artsy Reader Girl assigns a topic and then post her top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join her and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.


  1. Whoa. You really deep dived for this topic!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Oh my gosh Debs! I will need to go and make a flask of coffee to go through this list. Wow... And you posted all of these.... You can give out your own book on Top Ten Tuesday! Knowing your writing style it will be predicted 5 star hit.

    Thanks for sharing all of these.

    Here's my TTT Ten Books set in South Africa

  3. Goodness me that post must have taken you ages! I'm bookmarking this and will keep popping back as I get time. I love the 'don't read it the answer was none' section. I admit to lying about reading one book. I was meant to read the Pickwick Papers for a school book report but found it really boring and gave up. It was in pre-internet days so I copied the chapter synopsis from the front of the book! I'd forgotten all about that until I saw your post.

  4. Wow, you've been doing Top Ten Tuesday for a long time. I'm impressed! Have you ever recommended a prompt that was later used? That's one of my goals, LOL. A few times a year I send in a prompt idea or two.

    My TTT .

  5. Wow! You've been doing TTT for almost as long as it's been around. You must have had so many blogging memories as you went through your lists!

  6. That’s a lot of lists! It’s always fun to participate in TTT and see what others share.

  7. Holy Moly, that's a very long time! Have you found that blogging has changed over time or stayed the same?

  8. WOW! That's a lot of work, especially since you've been following this post for so long. I am IMPRESSED (again--it seems I'm always impressed with something you're doing. What does your commenter mean by "bookmarking this"? Is it a way to get back to these lists? That's what it sounds like. I usually just park something like this in my "Saves" folder. Same concept? Forgive my poor vocabulary when it comes to computer-speak! LOL. Rae

  9. Wow! I think I only posted half of what you had posted. But ten years is a lot. I do find most of the TTT topics a bit boring so I didn't do them. I really like 'Top Ten Lists You Shouldn't Bother Reading Because My Answer Was Basically "None"' as a top ten list idea because that's me for most of the TTT topics.

    Have a lovely day.

  10. Wow - this by itself is an impressive effort you've put in! Wow! I already said that, didn't I?

    What I love is how quirky your titles are. I desperately had to a read a few of them, based on title quirkiness alone.

  11. Wow! I'm impressed that you've been such an active participant in TTT over the years. That's fantastic. I came to it a little late considering how long I've had my blog, but I'm so glad I found it. It's been such a fun thing to be a part of!

    Happy TTT!

  12. Whoooa! You've participated in a lot more of these than I have, even if we've been doing them the whole time. I'm just stumped for ideas a lot of weeks.

  13. I can see the many hours of work you put in. It will pay off though in the long run since Blogger is changing their format it is harder to search for old blogposts.

  14. Wow that is a lot of lists! It's kind of mind boggling to think about how long Top Ten has been around and the sheer number of posts that have been generated!

  15. You are the Queen of Lists!! Maybe a tab under your header of all these Top Ten lists would be handy for future reference? I need to take some time to peruse them, although I'm sure my TBR list will explode. ;)

  16. Wow, this is an epic list! It's amazing to look through and see just how many different topics and themes there have been over the years.

  17. What an amazing list of posts this is!


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