Saturday, June 13, 2020

Set My Heart to Five; Nolan Ryan Encourages Texans: "Don't Be a Knucklehead"; and Paris in July Returns

People seem a little taken aback here to learn that hospitalizations from COVID-19 in Texas have risen 38% since Memorial Day. I am glad to see that our hometown hero and Baseball Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan recorded a message that I hope will hit home with some of our defiant Texans:

I was thrilled to receive a copy of Set My Heart to Five by Simon Stephenson. It's a book that will be published on September 1 of this year and it is a book that I have been eagerly awaiting. Here's a little about the story: "Jared works as a dentist in small-town Michigan. His life is totally normal, except for one thing. He is a bot engineered with human DNA to look and act like a real person. One day at a screening of a classic movie, Jared feels a strange sensation around his eyes. Everyone knows that bots can’t feel emotions, but as the theater lights come on, Jared is almost certain he’s crying. Confused, he decides to watch more old movies to figure out what’s happening. The process leads to an emotional awakening that upends his existence. Jared, it turns out, can feel." I will be reviewing this one soon, but, for now, I'll tell you that I so enjoyed this book.

I'm still reading a little each day on the same set of books. 

War and Peace
 by Leo Tolstoy
Devotions by Mary Oliver
50 Ways to Draw Your Beautiful Ordinary Life: Practical Lessons in Pencil and Paper
A Bad Birdwatcher's Companion by Simon Barnes
The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter

I was delighted to see that Thyme for Tea announced the return of Paris in July. This will be the tenth anniversary of our virtual visits to Paris and I can't think when a virtual trip to Paris might be more needed. 

Inprint Margarett Root Brown Reading Series went virtual and closed out its season this year online with poets Natalie Diaz and Reginald Dwayne Betts. What a year it has been for Inprint. In September, I heard Colson Whitehead speak about his book, The Nickel Boys, and in October I saw Ta-Nehisi Coates talk about his book, The Water Dancer. Next year Inprint will celebrate its fortieth season, and I hope, whether Inprint is actual or virtual, I can continue to support these voices. 


Good Thing #1. My husband had his birthday Friday. We celebrated with a homemade enchilada dinner and an old movie. 

Good Thing #2. The protests seem to be generating lots of good changes in our world.

Good Thing #3. We've been watching Seinfeld, borrowed on DVD from the library. This week we watched Episode #22, "The Library," in which library detective Mr. Bookman accuses Jerry of failure to return a library book. Is this my favorite Seinfeld? It may be.

How are you doing? 
Have you experienced some good things this week?
How are you dealing with the stresses we are facing during this time?
Have books helped in any way?

I'm very happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. There are no requirements for linking up at Sunday Salon; Sunday Salon is simply a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. I encourage you to link up here and then visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. Replies
    1. I completely forgot to take a picture of his banana nut bread/cake.

  2. Hey, it's like we are on the same wavelength! My husband and I have been watching Seinfeld as well. I marvel at how out of date those early episodes now seem and how thoroughly unlikable all the characters are! And I, too, am encouraged by the widespread protests. Although I can't be on the street with them, I am there in spirit and hopeful that real change is coming as a result of their efforts. And Nolan Ryan? If Texans will listen to anyone, it would be him. Let's hope his message has the desired effect.

    1. How serendipitous that you are watching Seinfeld, too. The characters are completely dysfunctional, aren't they?

  3. Oooh, Set My Heart to Five sounds like a winner!! Do you know that I have never watched Seinfeld! For some reason, it's just never appealed to me. Good for Nolan Ryan! I sure hate to see the spikes in COVID cases in so many states right now. We had hoped to do a little camping later this summer, but we'll just have to wait and see. Happy birthday to your hubby!

  4. Ha! That Seinfeld clip made me laugh! So many good episodes. If we didn't have Seinfeld, I fear we wouldn't be able to get by. It has all the right laughs. I hope Nolan Ryan will be able to keep Texans in line about Covid. Enjoy your week.

    1. I need comedy. It's been thirty years since I saw these Seinfeld episodes, so they feel very fresh to me.

  5. Our COVID numbers are so high in AZ. It's disheartening, but "don't be a knucklehead" gives me a little chuckle. I think my language would be much saltier.

  6. Happy birthday to your husband! And I am looking forward to Paris in July!

  7. I've heard that Memorial Day was a trigger for lots of new cases! I wear a mask in public and stay distanced. Many just don't see the value which is scary. We love Seinfeld and that was a really funny episode.

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband! It seems like the virus has spiked here in Florida too. I don't know if it's a second wave or a continuation of the first, but I hate to see people forget there is a pandemic and get lax about social distancing.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I still hope that the heat will knock out the virus. Though the hope seems to be dimming....

  9. I just shake my head when I saw the numbers from Florida, Texas and Arizona.
    Toronto is getting ready to open some more things but I still think we should wait a little longer.
    Stay safe and wear a mask!

    1. We have some very stubborn people here in Texas. Some of them are kinfolk.

  10. Happy Birthday to your husband! It sounds like a great dinner.

    Michigan is doing ok right now, but our Governor had some strict enforcements and took a LOT of flak for it. I think she did a great job but other people were really mad. I keep my fingers crossed that it stays the way it is, but frankly... I don't see that happening. I just keep my mask on and my 6 feet apart for now, sadly. :(

    I am excited about Paris in July!!

  11. Happy birthday to your husband, and I am loving how the protests might actually force some changes!

    Hang in there, and stay safe! I am thinking I should watch Seinfeld from the beginning!

  12. Hi there Debs! How are you? I don't think you will remember me, I used to blog over at MareliThalkInk about 3 years ago. Life got in the way and now with all these changes occurring world wide, I miss the blogosphere and want to get back into it. Actually seemed easier to just start afresh. You can find me at
    Hope we'll chat up a storm again soon!
    Keep well and stay safe!

  13. Happy birthday to your husband! Your new book sounds really interesting, and I love the toast on the cover. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I like books that surprise me. Set My Heart to Five surprised me.

  14. Now you've got me all curious about Set My Heart to Five. That Seinfeld clip was hilarious. Only a booklover can appreciate that scene. As the summer sets in people are getting lax about the virus. I won't be surprised if we get a second wave. Take care.

    1. You would like Set My Heart to Five. The main character has a childlike quality that is endearing.

  15. I think we are far from out of the woods with Covid 19. I only leave my house to go to my cancer treatments. Need to stay safe at home.

  16. The increasing hospitalization rates are alarming...can't attribute that to increased testing. This virus is far from being contained. How are you doing War and Peace? Seems like I contemplate my own W&P project almost every year, but never actually try it. Belated birthday wishes to your hubby!

  17. Seinfeld is a very fun show. So glad that you're enjoying it.

  18. I saw a little of myself in that detective librarian. Very funny.

  19. Watch the Seinfeld You Tube clip titled "Thesaurus."

  20. I truly hope the protests generate more than just lip service from white Americans. It's time we learn, listen, stand up and speak out when we see injustice.

  21. The Knucklehead clip made me laugh. It's frustrating for those of us trying to be really careful, when so many around us are not. The protests here in Seattle are really going strong and I hope they get some real results.

    Happy b-day to your hubby, and have a great week.!

  22. Loved the clip. Will always watch a Seinfeld episode.

  23. I am delighted to hear that your husband's birthday celebrations went well. And oh my goodness - 38% increase in hospitalisations in Texas - that's horrible! I was under the impression that your infection rates were decreasing... I've also just finished reading Set My Heart to Five and loved it as well:)). I hope you stay safe during the coming week, Deb.

  24. I like Ryan's message. We seem to have more than our fair share of knuckleheads around here. I've never seen Seinfeld and should give at least that one episode a try. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  25. Yes changes all over the world for sure. Nice that your Paris reading is back. Take care.

  26. People around where I live seem to have forgotten there is a pandemic. We had a door to door salesman come by last week--without a mask. And one of his compatriots another day to deliver a service (he came to our house by mistake) without a mask, and the air conditioner technician yesterday didn't have one either. I think I startled him when I opened the door wearing mine. My husband said people at the grocery store over the weekend completely disregarded social distancing and the face coverings. Like yours, our numbers are going up every day.

    Set My Heart to Five sounds like an interesting novel. I am glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    I am glad your husband had a nice birthday. :-) I hope you have a great week, Deb! Stay safe and well.

  27. Go Nolan! When we venture out we see a lot of knuckleheads.🤣 Happy Birthday to your husband and happy reading!

  28. Hopefully Nolan Ryan's message will get through to some people. People here are starting to get a little better about wearing masks, but it's still a mixed bag every time I venture out.


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