Saturday, October 3, 2020

National Hispanic Heritage Month and Banned Book Week


(Left) The roof after Hurricane Beta. (Right) The roof now. My husband decided to do the repair himself. I couldn't watch, but he did a fabulous job, I think.

I read for a couple of challenges this week.

For National Hispanic Heritage Month, I read With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo.

For The 1956 Club, I read The Silver Sword, one of the 1001 Children's Books You Must Read, first published in 1956. 

And for Banned Book Week, I read two children's picture books:
Little Red Riding Hood, written and illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman, and
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, written and illustrated by William Steig.

Don't tell me what books I can and cannot read. 

Why was Little Red Riding Hood by Trina Schart Hyman banned? School officials in Culver City, California banned it because Little Red Riding Hood is carrying a bottle of wine in her basket to take to her sick grandmother. Yes. For goodness sake.

And Sylvester and the Magic Pebble? Police associations in twelve states asked librarians to ban the book because the book uses pigs as police. Gracious alive, people. 

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy...80% read

Devotions by Mary Oliver...70% read

How to Draw Your Beautiful Ordinary Life...52% read

I found the Internet Archive this week. I was astonished to find many of the books on my 1001 Children's Books You Must Read list at the Internet Archive. I will be returning here soon.

1. Potentially a big pecan year.
2. Doors I see when I walk each morning.

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Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

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  1. I don’t think I could have watched either but it looks like he didn’t a fantastic job. I hate it when my husband goes in attic never mind on a roof!

    I love the optimistic calendar, I find it hard of late to be remotely optimistic but I’m trying, everything is so negative here at the moment but it’s nice to see this as it’s good for trying to reset.

    Have a lovely week and stay safe.

    1. I print out these calendars so I can keep my mood up. It helps me a lot.

  2. I'm glad your husband was able to repair your roof.

    1. Gosh, me, too. He called two contractors and they said they'd come by and give us an estimate, but they never did.

  3. I couldn't find a copy of 50 Ways/Draw Life at the library. So I might have to buy it for myself. I did find some videos about the book. It sounds like a fun idea.

    1. Doing a little in the book on most days gives some structure to my life.

  4. Replies
    1. I think it is better than most WWII stories because it was written so close to the time it took place.

  5. That roof damage looks bad ... but I'm amazed your husband was able to get up there and fix it. It actually crashed thru your roof ?! I would be too worried so I'm glad you didn't watch. Have a great week. I like an optimistic calendar.

    1. Yes, it came right through the roof. It fell at night. We didn't even wake up.

  6. I'm glad you're husband was able to repair your garage roof, but I wouldn't be able to watch either!!

    I think we can able benefit from the Optimistic caldendar right about now.

    Have a lovely weekend, Deb.

  7. Such a brave husband! I don't think I could have watched either. But then, my husband is afraid of heights, and I'm not sure would want to do repairs like that himself. I am glad your husband was able to repair the garage roof!

    I think I kind of knew Banned Book Week happened, but my brain just can't keep anything straight these days. Looks like you read some great books this past week though for that and the other events going on.

    Such a variety of beautiful doors! What fun to see that along your walk! The doors around here are all boring and very similar. Of course, all the houses are rather boring and similar in this neighborhood. All the personality is on the inside. Haha.

    I hope you have a great week, Deb. It feels so strange today. . . No dance rehearsals in the afternoon, just the morning classes. It's a lovely feeling!

    1. My brain isn't working right either. I almost missed Banned Book Week.

  8. Your husband did do a great job! And don't the reasons for banning books make you just roll your eyes? There are plenty of books I don't want to read but I just don't read them. It's not that hard! A (potentially) big pecan year sounds like a good thing to me. I love pecans! Enjoy your week!

    1. Bringing wine to grandma? Policemen as animals in a story with all animal characters? Crazy!

  9. Great job by your husband! Hope you have a great week.

  10. Hi Deb! We are back from holidays and had a lovely time! I enjoyed going through your post so much now without trying to rush through everything. I like the idea of the 1956's club. I have made a note (distracted by other books yet again, Elza is going to roll her eyes at me).

    Can't believe Little Read Riding Hood were banned because of a bottle of wine. For Goodness Sake...! I would have thought the scary wolf might have been a better reason!

    Your October calendar is a great idea! Love it! I think I will print it out as well. Although I do feel much more positive about going back to work than last term.

    I'm a real chatterbox today, hope you will have a good week and this week will hopefully be a bit better on the blogging side!

    1. I can see the scary wolf more than the bottle of wine.

      So glad you are back!

  11. Glad you picked up some hispanic books. We have a huge latino population in my area and cico de maya is huge!

    1. We do here, too. It was very useful to know Spanish as I do.

  12. Wow! Hubby did a great job! What did you think of With the Fire in High? I really enjoyed it!

  13. So glad the roof is repaired!

    I can't believe about Red Riding Hood and the wine as reasons to ban the book. But then again, I can't believe most of the reasons books are banned.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  14. I'm currently reading Hamnet which I've had in my reading queue for a while. It was a slow starter but now I'm finding quite interesting.

    The weather has been marvelous recently, hasn't it? I love these brisk morning and cooler days and the sky that October blue that goes on forever. It's a balm to the spirit and we sorely need that right now.

    It always surprises me that some people still feel the need to ban certain books. What a waste of energy, but I guess it is a kind of testament to the power of books.

    Happy October reading!

  15. Oh man. I remembered when Sylvester and the Magic Pebble got banned. I was so upset at the reason for it being banned. As for Little Red Riding Hood, I didn't know that book was banned. I need to check that book out!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Crazy to think a children's book was banned over animal characters. Don't read it for yourself or your children if you don't like it, but don't tell everyone how to think.

  16. Your hubby did a great job on the roof! I forgot about banned books week...although I read banned books all the time, including the Bible. I cracked up at the absurdity of the reason for banning those children's books. But then again, this world is full of ignorant people so nothing surprises me anymore. Enjoy your reading week!

  17. I’m glad the roof got fixed. I like the Optimistic October calendar. That seems like a good idea right now. Happy October!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  18. Wow. Your hubby should feel proud of his handiwork! Mine has fallen off ladders before so I know why you didn't want to watch. I always tell myself that I should do the Happiness Action plans, but then don't. Sigh.

    1. Oh, gracious. I would not let my husband back on a ladder if he had fallen.

  19. You seem to have found the most ridiculously banned books, though actually when you think about it any reason to ban a book is ridiculous! LITTLE RED RIDINGHOOD? Indeed!

    be well... mae at

  20. Your husband did a great job on the roof! I would caution about the Internet Archive, since I know I had heard back in March/April that they had put up a lot of books they did not have the rights to publish and were therefore taking money out of living authors' pockets. I hope that has changed, but something to be wary of.

    1. Thank you for sharing that information. I certainly don't want to do that.

  21. I managed to completely miss Banned Books Week this year! I am so embarrassed. This past week was crazy busy so that's my excuse. I did manage to put something together each week for Hispanic Heritage Month for work so at least I was on top of that.

  22. I love the idea of an Optimistic October calendar! I will have to check it out. And I have been meaning to read With the Fire On High for so long, I really need to get to it.

    Your husband did a great job with the repairs!

  23. Well done to your husband for fixing the roof! I can paint a wall, but that's about where my handiness ends. For Latinx Heritage Month I finished In the Dream House and You Had me at Hola- highly recommend both!

  24. glad to see you made it through the hurricane okay and with minimal damage. we are still waiting for the tree guy to come and then we have some major fence repair. looks like another is heading our way. :-(

    1. We've been watching that hurricane carefully. Hope it doesn't go your way.

  25. I loved Trina Schart Hyman's illustrations. We lost her too soon. I didn't read any banned books this week. I also don't look at copyright dates - usually - but one of the books I just finished had a 2006 copyright. Can I be 50 years off? Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  26. Glad your husband was able to patch up the roof! Scary, though! My hubby refuses to get on our roof.

    Those are some insane reasons to ban or challenge a book. I always keep meaning to read a banned book or two during September but I never remember til that week. I need to plan ahead next time! Looks like you found some good ones.

    I hope you enjoy your week! Happy Fall!

    1. I barely remembered. I will try to do better next year.

  27. It was great. Now I need to look for more by this author.

  28. Glad you got your roof fixed. Check out What I read last week.

    1. I need to look for The Rebel Cell on your list, I think.

  29. Glad your husband was able to fix your roof. I know I couldn't watch it either. Couple of years back, when he had to head up to the attic, I told him I'll be in the office room and he can come get my once he is done because I couldn't watch. (My dad was with us and did the watching - so he had company lol).

    How to Draw Your Beautiful Ordinary Life sounds interesting. I need to look it up.

  30. Love the Optimistic Calendar! That's great that your husband was able to do the repair but I wouldn't have been able to watch either. It's always crazy to hear the reasons books got banned. I used to volunteer at Bookfair and there was always one parent (usually the same one) who was all bent out of shape about Harry Potter.

  31. Fun post! Sorry about the damage to your house. Great sources of TBRs here in this post. Thanks! I'm behind, as usual. I came by to deliver your journal. That must have been the day you took the beach photos. LOL


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